Worst body job ever

Well guys I thought i would keep this to myself over the winter but I cant anymore.I took my car to a body guy that works at a well known body shop to do the body work. Then send it to were he works to have it painted in a down draft booth.Now the guy that painted it did an almost perfect job no runs,even paint.almost no orange peel.The body guy well, not even stright, missed a big dent, doors and fenders not lined up good,he painted under the hood and in the engine bay with single stage paint looks like crap was to be base clear.The shop he works at he gave them the paint coad and they did not get it wright its a little darker than under the hood its base clear at least. I cant go to shows and pop my hood.I for see taking the shop that painted it to court if the do not do something here.O took the car back to the body guy to fix the dent well its better but now lots of dust in the paint.when we first complained to him about our concerns he said I AM NOT REDOING THE CAR.So court case for him to. when we paid him I had him put in wrighting all work guaranteed one year.sorry its long.I should of got everything in writting befor he started but a fellow member said look at my car and see for yourself the work he does and his Duster is good.Mad very sad and depressed.