Worst body job ever

Theres a reason som pay $10,000-$15,000 for a paint job. perfectly straight panels take time, especially on a car like a Dart that has 3 body lines per panel and are very flat.

Im not saying he has no right to get upset. What Im saying is you need to be very clear with the shop you are considering what you want and what you have to spend. The shop needs to be very clear with what you can expect for X amount of dollars.

And yes by all mean get it in writing.

On the subject of meterails. Yes, shops usually pay less for meterials, that part of the way we make our money. Just like a roofing contrator gets shingles for less then you would get them at Home depot.

But cheaper is not free. I paid $150 a gallon for primer and activator and $600 for 3 liters of paint. My cost. We get meterials cheaper because we buy in volume. If you want to spend $8000 on a mixing rack, you can get the same break on paint a body shop will.

I take pride in my work, I love restoring old cars but its dirty, dangerous work (yes dangerous)that most cant understand why it cost what it does.