Worst body job ever

Wow, I'm new to all this. This site has been real positive to me up till now. No one should judge anyway even with the pics. This hole thing is dark and negative being dwelled on. It's up to a judge to judge and they arn't always right anyway. Besides pics don't mean chite, ie Photoshop, I used to be a printer before layoff, I know. Besides every one of us has negative things to go through with these cars. If it was easy everyone would be driving these cars. See my cracked 67 windshield thread in trim section. Hell I have been paying a national insurance company for full coverage (Our family drives are Darts FULL TIME) Now they don't want to fork over the check to fix. They want me to pay and they will pay me back. I'm BROKE, LAYED OFF, UNEMPLOYED, NO DENARO, but they want me to keep paying them premiums AND pay for my repairs first also. I got two good hands for them with fingers straight up!
So Please RELEASE THE NEGATIVE BAD VIBES. We are here to help each other and in business and life that means COMPROMISE!
Done sorry, (vented)