Small Blocks Paint booth finally in action

Let me say this. Having someone there to do little stuff like trail a hose or mix more product or put your beer in the freeze so things are ready for the next break is a bonus. Vic handled most of that. For those of you that have never done this you will never realize how physical it is. One thing that is killer on a paint job like this is the physical part of it. A complete exercise workout. Squating down over 30 times per coat then standing up over and over and now ya times that by 8 coats. That don't count the 4 coats of primer the 3 days before. Try this at 57 yrs old. And i'm sure some of you that have painted always cherish the moments when your friend that seldom shows up to help ask you to paint his car....for Free. Man i'm a sore puppy. Just go out in the yard and do 240 squats and give me a call in the morning. I use to wonder why those body shops charged so much to just paint a car. After my first one i had a better understanding why they did it so cheap. I really enjoy doing it BUT not for free. I guess i'll get better as i continue on from project to project. The wife ordered pizza so i took a shower and had pizza in bed. She didn't kick me out LOL. Now for a few days of sanding and minor repairs. Thanks for all the support guys and gals. FABO's saved another one.
Small Block