Old lady complaining about my shed

I would think her lawyer would be going through the city and the city would contact you about any problems with the shed. Any direct contact from the lawyer may be a violation of your rights. I have a neighbor who just built a fence and put the finished side facing his house and not mine which is not legal here. We also already had a fence in place so now we have 2 with a space between them on his side. Weeds are growing but I only get to see them. I could complain but I'll just kill the weeds and go on. Not worth fighting with a neighbor even though I could force him to take down his fence and redo it right. Already have one crackhead neighbor who complains I mow the yard of an empty house because I am trespassing but the owner knows I mow it and even pays a little once in a awhile for gas. I used to live where all the neighbors called the cops on each other and just stirred the pot all the time. Its a very nice change to have civil neighbors and I try to get along as best I can.