Rant: the big lie

Right now LPG is in it's infancy with only Rousch making a viable entry into the market with Ford pickups. Others that have been bandied about: hydrogen fuel cells, methane (but then, according to the watermelons [green on the outside, red on the inside] cow farts add to global warming), but the infrastructure doesn't exist for anything more viable. Interesting thing here is that we can't drill for our own oil on our own soil to make our economy better, but the Chinese can come into Cuba, drill for that same oil and none of the watermelons want to complain about the environmental impact. Or we can't drill on certain land because that will upset the mice, but we can put solar panels or windmills on that same land and that won't upset the mice. Or we can't drill in Alaska because that will damage the permafrost, but the Russians can drill in Siberia and they have no problems with that. Get the picture of the hypocracy of the environmental groups here in the US, Aussie?