Got rid of my 1987 Dodge w150 cash for clunkers

sorry cash for clunkers flat pisses me off. New home building is almost zilch so theres no way i can go in debt but i have to sit and watch the socialist president give my tax money away.I sent this to my tx. senator today. If you are a supporter of cash for clunkers you will not recieve any support from me in the future. There are too many ramifications to this program. I feel it is a plot to trap the lower middle class into using public transportation. When the rebate program slows whats next? Carbon tax on older cars. Ive never contacted my tx. representatives before but now they will all hear from me. Housing in Tx. is slower than I have seen it in years and I for one wouldnt be able to afford another bill (car payment). Being fiscally responsible isnt in style though so I guess the public will get in debt and default on all these new cars they cant afford and the banks can melt down again just like Fannie and Freddie caused in housing. Anyone supporting the mass giveaway of my country will Not be recieving my vote next election. Stand up and do the right thing. Sincerely,Bobby Michael