A Body Rack and Pinion Converison

If you draw an imaginary line from the balljoint through the outer tie rod centers ,the meeting point from both sides would intersect at the rear axle center point for perfect akerman angle. That is what causes the inside wheel to turn more in a turn. In a front steer application the tie rod needs to be outside of the balljoint so when you would draw an imaginary line from the front tie rod center to the lower ball joint center it would intersect to the rear
Here is link to a good explaination of akerman


Good article. I had heard the term "akerman" but really never understood the physics behind it. Now I understand the pit falls and will wait until I can afford an Alterkation set up that is properly engineered.

Also, I recently checked with Flaming River to check on the possibility of them offering a rack and pinion conversion for A bodys. The answer was no. Probably due to the tie rod center having to be located outboard of the ball joint centerline to achieve proper steering geometry. Probable not feasible with the stock setup.