Wow!!! Hiroshima 64 years later. NOW WITH PICS :)

I don't agree here. I have two good friends from college that are Japanese. I visited Tokyo also in 2006. They actually love America. Everywhere I went all I heard was American music and many American related things. The people were very nice to us. Always willing to help if they could speak English. It was a great place. I'd go back anytime. I never once felt like I was not welcome.
What can you say, they got their **** together, we on the other hand are going strait down the shitter.

Hey Mike, are you talking about Takorou? (I know I spelled it wrong) I had thrown a Halloween party awhile back and I remember when he and his friend came over with you, I can't remember her name. They were so nice and polite, they had fun at the party!