Slant 6 - 360 Swap?

Okay, so I know this might not be the best place to post this question, and I don't have anything against the slant 6. To each their own, right? But...

I previously had a Dart Sport 360. And I loved it. Unfortunately I don't own it any longer. And probably for the best as their were a few problems with it that made it a less than ideal project car.

BUT... I found a much better project car. It is another 76 Dart Sport. And I think I'm going to buy it and pick up where I left off. Only one problem, its a slant 6!!
I don't have anything particular against the engine, I just happen to be partial to the 360. I love the engine and if I buy another dart I want it to be a 360. Hence my issue. I already had an engine lined up to swap into my dart until it went away. With that in mind, how hard is it to swap out the slant 6 with a 360. Are the transmissions the same? Will it bolt right in? Or am I in for enough work that I should just find a Dart with a 360/318 already in it?

Like I said, its not that I have anything against the slant 6. They're very cool engines, just not the one I want to build into this project. All advice is much appreciated. And if there is a better forum to post this in please let me know and I will attempt to repost it! Thanks guys! And here's to all of us A-Body guys, whatever your engine, you clearly have good taste in cars!