Thanksgiving Dinner

Watch the dogs around raccoons no matter how badass your dogs think they are! When I was little we lived in the woods and had a bouvier des flandres
he got attacked by 3 raccoons and messed up pretty good even with my dad shooting them with a 22.
Nikkis work sees dogs torn up by raccoons all the time. Her boss had a friend that was a vet and had a pet raccoon since a baby with no problems and one day it decided that it didn't like him anymore so it ripped off half his face.
Strap down your trash can lids as well, little bastards!

My old German Shepherd "Rocky" eviserated a 50 lb racoon before he knew what happened. Rocky was an asshole though and I was the only person who could deal with him. He had one of my X fiance's pinned in the bathroom and she grew up with dobe's and GSDs. Rocky was a one person dog, no doubt. He never got sick from the coon either. This most likely is a one of kind situation though. BTW, that french dog doesn't look really tough, lol. I wonder if they were french army dogs, LMAO!

Seroiusly though, sorry to hear about your buddy. What a bummer.:angry7: Racoons are tough as nails.