Am I wrong here?

I found a used car trailer for sale this morning, but waited to call the guy until 8:00 so I wouldn't wake him and I figured that was a respectful time to call. I called the fella and told him I was headed to the ATM and then straight to his house, about 20 miles away. I changed clothes, got money out of the ATM, got back on the road, and then called him to let him know I was on the way still since I hate people that say they are coming to look at something I have for sale and then never show. He then tells me that someone else just got there and is over looking at it now and he'll call me back if the guy buys it. I hang up and then think to myself that my time and money is worth more than just driving on to an item thats probably going to sell since it was such a great deal. I call him back and tell him I'm pulled over and not driving any further till he tells me whether its still for sale or not. He then appologizes and tells me that it just sold.

My question is, would you do business this way? I've sold vehicles and items before but always told someone whether I had someone before them or not so they knew before they drove here that it might sell. I would never let someone go before someone else that said they were bringing cash and on their way just because someone could get here faster.

I know there is no honor amongst thieves, but should sales be the same way? Is money the only thing that matters any more and first come, first served no matter that I spoke to him first and told him I was on the way?