should i dropkick my kid brother for going into the garage?

Well guys first thing i want to say is i dont get on here enough, so much good info. Thank you guys for everything, saved me a few times now.

So i blew my 76 318 a few months ago. Kinda a good thing because now i have a good resun to rebuild it.i already had a bunch of machine work done to her. I have the engine mostly back together now. i am working on a budget so i found a nice doner engine that ive been taking all bolts out of to use on my rebuild. most of the work ive have been doing at my old mans place and have been teaching my 16 year old brother a thing or two as ive been working on it. I'll be damned if he gets into hondas like all of his yuppie friends. Well he thought he would make big bro proud and take all the bolts out him self while i was gone. He did a good job but now i dont know where a damn thing goes. God i was mad. anyway is there any chance that you guys may know where i could find an exploded viey or a list of bolts? thanks guys