Maxi is in the Hospital......

Things seem to be moving in the right direction!:thumblef:

Good news Joe. Kinda odd how something like a turd can mean so much at times.

Lol, I remember a few weeks back when all I did was complain that they pooped too much. Maxi ate about a cup or so of food today. She should be right at about 1.5 to two cups but this is an improvement from yesterday. :occasion:

She's still protective of her leg cast but lets me stick my fingers in there and check her toes from time to time, as long as I rub her belly while I do it. I took her for a very short walk and she was pulling like freight train. :) She's putting some weight on the peg leg and using it to support her weight a little bit and not holding it up as much, so I think that's an improvement too. There's a long road ahead and I don't want to rush her or have her hurt her good hind leg, so I'm trying to keep the activity to minimum yet still have her move around to keep the blood flowing. So far, she hasn't been chewing at her cast. It's a ***** kepping it dry though. It's been snowing since Thursday.

Thank you all so much for your concern and educated advice. You all rock!

Merlin says: Thanks for the advice all! Joe's trying to do his best. I want Maxi to get better soon so we can play again.... A big special thanks to Nikki and her advice as well. You double rock! WOOF!! WOOF!!
