Maxi is in the Hospital......

How did things go today Joe?
How's Maxi...?

She was restless last night and all I heard was her walking around..... Clomp, clomp, clomp.....clomp, clomp, clomp. It's like living with an insomniac pirate. I didn't get much sleep.

Mornings are hard as I have to get up even earlier so I cover her leg and do a short, quick walk, uncover her leg then give Merlin a regular walk, try to fed them both, cover her leg and bring her out again to do her thing, then uncover her leg and let Merlin out to do his thing.

She ate about the same today as yesterday and the leg seems to be about the same but her attitude has improved somewhat and she seems to be smiling more. She even wanted to play fetch outside (I'm not letting that happen for another month or more). I picked up some glucosomine/chondroitin biscuits today and gave her some. She'll be on a regular regimen of this (3 or 4 a day). I also made an appointment at the vet to change her cast this coming Saturday.

Like I said, this is going to be a long road. BTW, here's the link to the orthopedic splint people. Each one is custom made according to the dogs anatomy and needs.