Maxi is in the Hospital......

Glad she is feeling better Joe. You are going have to put a tennis ball on the "pirate" if she keeps running around in the night and keeping you up. :-D

I can't believe me and Tammy posted the same thing 2 minutes apart! Lol!

Maybe foam rubber or something.

Well as always I'm way behind on the recent events here. I'm very happy to hear Maxi is doing much better, seeing her get hurt like that must have ripped you up. I hope she continues to improve quickly and that you're feeling better about it as well. Regular visits to the pet store may help, I wonder, does she do house calls? :-D

Thanks Rob

ramcharger, It's time for an update when you have a chance. How is Maxi doing? Give her and Merlin another belly rub from us please!

On a side note.......I went to the county pound today and may have found a little guy. He goes up for adoption tomorrow :grommit:

She's pretty much the same.... I'll start adding more updates if there's a change for the better.

Glad to hear about the impending adoption!