Maxi is in the Hospital......

I feel much better today! I've spent much less time in my cave (crate) and am still the Alpha no matter what Merlin thinks. These biscuits that my Master Joe gives me makes me feel much better and I can't wait to get this thing off my leg. I want to bite Merlin when he gets too close to my leg and I think he's getting the picture now.

Master Joe lays down beside me for 15 or 20 minutes every evening before he goes to bed to rub my belly and massage my hips 'cause he knows I can't jump up to the bed anymore. He's a pretty good Master. He sure beats my old one....Grrrrrrrr! He said something about me to that thing he holds to his ear and I heard "Vet" and "Splint Change". I'm not sure I'm liking that. He always tricks me into going for a ride and I end up at a place where they stick me with needles. I want to bite them too.... :-D

Ruht Roow, he's coming back from making that dark smelly water with the frozen stuff in it. I better get off here before he realizes I can type......:cheers:

Thank You Ramcharger & Maxi for making me feel better! We need more like you 2 on here!!!
FABO is a better place with you both.
Howdabooboo?? You look like your doing OK. I hope you feel better soon and try to remain calm even if someone is getting too close. The trick to enjoying the vets office is this:
Keep circulating and working the room. At each human, walk up, sit, look up, smile. Everyone of them will pet you and they will give you snacks!
Vinnie palys em for all they are worth and then tries to con me into a mcD's drive through for a hamburger!
Hope to see you tomarrow!!
John, Vinnie is laying here telling me what to type. He said he too stupie and old to learn typing, his master still hasn't mastered!:toothy10: