pcv and thermostats for street strip cars ?

Ace said
So we are attributing 1/10 sec to 10 degrees engine temp. And this is objectively confirmed or tested how? I still don't think so.

I don't think anyone said anything of that nature at all.

Ace said
OEMs were using 190 and 195 deg stats LONG before emissions standards ever played into it. I guess you guys know better how to operate an engine than the people who designed and built it.

First of all how do you figure that? Emissions devices started back in 1966. Secondly as Adam pointed out race engines and stock street engines are two distinct animals.

Ace said
And OBTW, if the flow through your heads is staying in there long enough to be affected by as much as FIFTY degrees temperature difference, It must not even be running.

Who said anything about 50 degrees? Is that what you think it needs to be to be affected? If it is you are wrong again. My car is affected by as much as 1 degree. 1 degree equals .001 gain or reduction in ET, and that I can prove.

I'm not trying to be a jerk here but unless you have experience you shouldn't be stating subjective opinions as fact. I don't know you or even how old you are or what your experiences are but don't think you know it all. I'm 50 years old, been racing since I was 16 and I've been a dealership mechanic or service manager since I was 18 and I still learn new things nearly everyday. Open your mind and you'll learn, close it and you will be stonewalled my friend.