Started Pinstiping/Air Brush

Nice work thanson_mopar!


Looking good :D Wished I was artistic enough to do some freehand work....

Thats the funny thing....with pinstriping you can teach yourself how to keep straight lines.....I am not very artistic, I can't draw anything to save my life....but with enough practice I can keep steady lines with a pinstripe brush.

Nicw work. I also play with the brush, both stripe and air. Glad to see others learning as well.
Are you familiar with Kustom Kulture Lounge? Check it out if not.
Keep up the good work.

I have heard of Kustom Kulture lounge but haven't checked it out yet....I will have to thanks.

Excellent Thanson........A dying art it is, but one well worth saving.

Hang in there and keep up the level of enthusiasm and excellence. :toothy10:

Thank you very much, I have been wanting to learn how to pinstripe for along time, glad I decided to start practicing around with the brush.

That Would Look Real Cool On The Whole Car.

For sure it would, but wow that would be alot of work....I spent a good four days just on this one fender