Back Surgery

Thanks guys, I expect everything to go well. Once it's all done I'll be able to stay on my feet for more than 5 minutes, that sure will be nice, it's been a long time since I could.

I already told them I'll be leaving the next day, they said they're taking my clothes, I said that was fine with me, I won't be the one that has to look at my shiney white *** as it makes its way out of there :-D

Not trying to burst your bubble, but

LISTEN TO THE DAMN DOCTOR AND DO WHAT HE SAYS TO THE LETTER...........if he says to stay for 3 days DO IT!

Do you want to walk again? if you push it you might not be able to stand 5 minutes, EVER

My wife had back surgery 3 years ago, basicly used dermal tool to open up for the nerves.

January of this year she was back for more surgery. This time she got a cage and some turn buckels.

If you over do it, or don't follow the recommendations you might not get over it.

take it easy, hope you do well

Good Luck