Brian's 67 dart

Howdy Folks,

I would like to use this thread to recount some of the many things that I have learned thus far in my build. I fully understand that many of the things I have learned may not be the only or even the best way to approach the various aspects of restoring/ building an A-Body Mopar. I invite anyone to add to, improve, or correct anything that I say. (As if any of yall needed an )

To give a platform for tips and techniques requires that someone get something written so others can improve upon it. I know that I have learned quite a bit from just hanging around the different forums here; methods and pitfalls that others have spoken about have saved me a load of frustration & irritation, and other’s experience & research have guided me to many of the best parts and sources. I look forward to hopefully provoking the thoughts of the other folks on the list. It might be something that would prove to be useful for us to share with one another. (If it is not useful, hopefully it would at least be something that I will enjoy doing.)
