Maxi is in the Hospital......


Well, it didn't work. She was just in a good mood was all. I still tried to get it on her and almost did until I tightend the top strap and she went after my hand. They gave me enough for a second try so I'll try again tonight.

Yeah I sure hope so, for both of us. It's tough enough going through something like this as a human, at least you have some sort of understanding of the situation. I feel really bad for Maxi and for you having to endure it without being able to do anything to make it better quickly. Life can be tough.

I just wish she could tell me what hurts when. That would cetainly help us both out. I just hope she doesn't damage it today while I'm out at work.

I hope that pill will give both of you the opportunity to get her brace on. Good luck and give her a pat for me.

She got some pats Longgone. 8)

Acepromazine A/K/A "Ace" is something I have a LOT of experience with, unfortunately. Our on dog is terrified of storms/wind/loud sounds, to the point he has gone through windows, ripped holes in walls and tore the front door off the house in his panic attacks when we are not home. We boarded him at a kennel when we went away for a couple weekends, he ripped the gate off EVERY DAY - guess he's claustrophobic too and doesn't like strange surroundings. He's a big guy at 100 lbs, to calm him down we give him ACE. Vet gives us 25 MG tabs, we give him 2 tabs, wait about 20 mins then give him another. Knocks him down (but not out) for a good 10-12 hrs.

Good luck Joe, hope this info helps..

Thanks MoparMikeo,

I did read that Boxers can have an adverse reaction to this medication and thanks for mentioning it. I gave Maxi half a 25mg tab and it just made her kind happy and she came out of her crate. The second half a tab mellowed her out a bit more and I almost got it on her. I should be able to do this tonight...... I hope.