Looking for 7.20" push rods...

Although they are not available, Summit shows these Crane pushrods as being 7.330" overall! I think that's the ones I have been using which are around 7.2" "effective". Also, "I think" that when I had some Comp Cams pushrods advertised at 7.3-something, they actually measured 7.5" overall! If you can find some or have someone confirm the "effective" and "overall" length of any brand pushrods, you might find something that works.

I think that the Summit G-6420 should work even though it shows their "overall" length at 7.234". The more I look, the more it seems that the way different companies show the measurement is NOT consistent. I suppose you can ask for a rep to specifically measure an actual pushrod for the overall and effective length instead of relying what the book or computer says.
