Ham radio op given cell phone ticket be careful in NY State

all the news thats fit to print o well i dont fell sorry for him

??? Not quite sure what you mean in the first few words except you don't feel sorry for him. Do you have any idea how many ham operators each year provide free public service such as weather spotting, tornado reporting, disaster relief, etc. FYI tornadoes cannot be seen on weather radar. It takes people on the ground to report them. Some are reported via cell phone but the majority of the time it is reported by a mobile amateur radio operator. I am a trained weather spotter and know numerous others that take time to watch the skies (sometimes from a specified location other than home) just to report a tornado spotting, wind shear, or down-burst to the national weather service so they can send out the warning. If it weren't for these people spotting, the weather service would not be able to issue warnings anywhere fast enough to do any good.