1969 Swinger 340 Registry...

Hello, Just a Note, Frank Remlinger runs a GTS Registy, and on his site is information for a man by the name of Patrick Dean. Mr Dean is to be compounding a 340 Swinger regisrty. This information can be viewed at the GTS regisrty website. Note, I was not able to get in touch with this Mr. Dean, but Mr. Remlinger forwarded my info on my car to Mr. Dean. This was months ago, and I did not hear from Mr. Dean. I dont know the status of this, but what little info. on this registry is listed at the GTS Registry for the Swingers can be viewed here: listed under link for 69 Registry, at bottom of page.


Also the paperwork I have lists, 8,834 4-Speed 340 Swingers for 1969, and 7,802 Automatics for U.S.A. Specs. This does not include Export or Canada.