Lost and found post your engine vin

As some of you may know I have been trying to find my orig 340 engine for my for formula s ragtop, with no success yet. From what I have found out the guy that had it in his garage 20 years ago apparently was killed unfortunately so it will take a miracle to find this engine. But I thought that I am not the only guy in this predicament. I have had my engine for about 5 years and cant wait for my car to be done(or at least to the point where I can put the engine in) But if I knew that someone was looking for my engine as it was their original one that I would help them out, or at least let them have dibs on it. I thought if anyone wanted to post their engine vin, hopefully it may help out a member trying to find theirs. I realize not all years had stampings, but this is a start right? I put the vin for my 340 below.

Vin # 9B891268
Build date 8-11-69
