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  1. Sully1190

    Driver floor board wet? ...tracing leak

    Bumping for great need. Is there any other way to get in and clean out debris or clogs? Since I don't seem to have any vent boxes in my car?
  2. Sully1190

    Driver floor board wet? ...tracing leak

    Odd. I don't have those. I'll have to look later to see if there's a way to get there anyways.
  3. Sully1190

    Driver floor board wet? ...tracing leak

    I have a 74 duster, and I cannot find these boxes anywhere. There's no box on the driver's side, and the heater box on the right side doesn't have any doors on it. Furthermore, my front fenders are hollow. There's no drainage deal in them that I can see.
  4. Sully1190

    Driver floor board wet? ...tracing leak

    And you just take the door off, reach through, and clean out debris with your hand? Sounds simple enough.
  5. Sully1190

    Driver floor board wet? ...tracing leak

    Where precisely are these vent boxes?
  6. Sully1190

    Wiper Seal

    Thank you. I'll keep you guys updated.
  7. Sully1190

    Wiper Seal

    Thanks! I need any information and help I can get. I think it has been proved more than once over the course of my build that I have no idea what I'm doing. There's no way of doing this without completely removing my entire dash, is there?
  8. Sully1190

    Wiper Seal

    I know that they themselves are leaking. At least, I think. I reached up into the glove box and could feel that the bottom sides were wet. However, it is a whole lot of water coming through, so it could be more than that. I know my door seals were also contributing to the problem. I tried...
  9. Sully1190

    Wiper Seal

    Thanks guys. Glad I asked.
  10. Sully1190

    Wiper Seal

    My car has been leaking through the seal around the windshield wiper, and I just wanted to make sure that this...
  11. Sully1190

    Driver floor board wet? ...tracing leak

    All I can say is check the door seal. It's what was wrong with my Duster.
  12. Sully1190

    truck bed coating on inside floor?

    Good to know about treating the surface rust first. I plan to use this in my trunk. :)
  13. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    Looks good man. Out of curiosity, what would cost less? Stock or custom? @Redfish: Yeah, it seemed about right to me, but I haven't had much experience with upholsterers, so I wanted to be sure. Thanks to both of you for sharing your expertise though!
  14. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    Awesome. I prefer the vinyl though. Won't have to be as paranoid about stains.
  15. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    See. The only thing is, that I really like the bench seat. Everything has buckets now. The bench feels more... I dunno. Authentic? Plus, then the wife can scoot over closer if she wants to :)
  16. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    I'm about to give them all a call and feel them out. I'll shoot you a PM and let ya know what I discover.
  17. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    I see a Given's Upholstery on Wiggins Road. The only one I see on Terry Road is Langley's. Perhaps I'll poke around them on my way home today.
  18. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    Interesting. Doesn't sound too hard. I'm going to have to look into that. After all, I've done most everything else so far without professional help. ;p Cept y'all here at FABO, of course.
  19. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    This was actually J&D in Greenville. Not exactly close to where I live, but the Duster is actually at my parents house (apartments don't come with garages) in the delta.
  20. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    Wow. That is a mighty good looking job. What all did recovering the seat entail?
  21. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    I might take the springs out and doctor on them. We've used this place before for minor things. They're nice. Just wasn't sure how their pricing compared. Also, they seem kinda "no nonsense." I was afraid of ending up in a similar situation, twofosho. I thought they'd end up sitting there for...
  22. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    I should note: I don't mean that the guy wasn't going to replace it. The "rough estimate" of 400 was over the phone. I just asked him about the price to recover your average bench seat with vinyl. I didn't ask him about the foam and springs.
  23. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    We're keeping the tan/gold interior. But, since we're looking at 400-500, I'll probably find a nice tan seat cover until next pay period.
  24. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    Just new vinyl, I believe. I didn't ask about new foam and springs... Though now that you mention it, it could use some. I'm a short fellow. I need to see over the wheel haha.
  25. Sully1190

    Recovering a Seat

    I just got a front bench seat roughly priced at 400 to be recovered. Does that seem to be pretty close to a good price? Or should I shop around for cheaper? Also, on seat covers, does anyone know a good place to get a nice, form fitting cover for a 74 bench seat? I don't want just a loose bag...
  26. Sully1190


    I've watched a few videos about the spray on plastic/cloth/vinyl dye, and was curious how well it worked. Will it look like an actual interior color? Or will it look like I spray-painted the inside of my car? Will it rub off with time? Leave smudges on skin and clothes? Fade? All important...
  27. Sully1190

    Plastic interior pieces

    Thanks, but I don't think it'd work. It's alot bigger than just cracks. There are chunks missing in the middle. I think I'll fill the holes, sand them, and have them covered when I have the sears redone.
  28. Sully1190

    Plastic interior pieces

    Out of curiosity, since these parts don't exist in repro and seem few and far between ish, is there another option here that I'm missing? Could I just have the pieces covered in a matching-color vynil or something simple? It'd probably be as cheap as tracking down good plastic pieces at this...
  29. Sully1190

    Plastic interior pieces

    Damn. That's what I was afraid of ha. Thanks though guys. I guess I'll stalk around the classifieds. DartMike, I have no idea if they are ha. What color is it?
  30. Sully1190

    Plastic interior pieces

    I know this is a newb question that will likely be met only with "google" as a response, but I have honestly looked through google, and multiple car parts shops from a mopar magazine I have, and still, I cannot find these pieces. I'm not even sure what they're called to search for them. I have...