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  1. alan627b

    THE FART THAT (ALMOST) ALTERED MY DESTINY Written by Anna. Posted in Marriage

    I'm not sure which story is funnier.. this one or the guy who got nearly electrocuted by the lawnmower and the eclectric fence. Thanks for the great laugh!:notworth: Alan
  2. alan627b

    popular hot rodding 68 valiant

    Are these guys in league with the morons on Horsepower TV? I shudder every time they announce a Mopar project.. like the episode where they yanked out a big block to put a small block back in.. replaced all the fuel system parts.. with the same things only chrome plated... I thought that was...
  3. alan627b

    South Florida wildlife

    Sure would make the old Toro bog down, wouldn't it? LOL!
  4. alan627b

    Christmas decorations

    I thought you guys might get a kick out of this... the Canadian Pacific lights up a whole TRAIN... Google Image Search, CP Holiday Train canadian pacific railway - Google Search MC and a HNY! Alan
  5. alan627b

    Christmas decorations

    Not everybody has a Lockheed Starfighter just lying around! May I submit this....
  6. alan627b

    Ginger or Mary Anne?

    Mary Ann for sure... after the fun's over SHE can cook! We all understand about cut-offs... see attached pic! That being said.... don't ask me to choose between Mary Ann and Janet from Three's Company.... that WOULD be tough! Lol
  7. alan627b

    Bahaha this will make you laugh!

    How about "CNTSPEL"
  8. alan627b

    The car of your dreams

    Safeway sack might work. You can draw a face on it. No, No. Not safe enough. Double bag> one on her, one on you. In case hers breaks.
  9. alan627b

    anyone wanna go to the zoo

    someone's been having a little fun with audio I see...ain't the net wonderful?!
  10. alan627b

    Purina Diet

    Here's your sign... That joke rules, you are killing me... alan627b
  11. alan627b

    Harley Davidson An god...

    To which God replied..... (LOL)
  12. alan627b

    I'm gonna go to he!! I know it

    She's gonna go down in history as the most famous woman to go down in history! Possibly excepting Linda Lovelace.....
  13. alan627b

    "Animal Activist" From Motopsycho

    that humans don't have incisors to eat tofu and bean sprouts....:cheers: The gene pool needs some chlorine... Alan627b
  14. alan627b

    NOT For The Timid

    And call with.... Eeew.
  15. alan627b

    Stuff that gets stuck in your head

    Dingo, I'd sincerely like to thank you for the link you posted, that has to be some of the strangest sh*t I've ever heard, I about laughed my self sick! I can almost hear Eddie Vedder, or Alice in Chains singing some of those songs. Maybe even Curt Cobain, if he wasn't dead, that is! I made...
  16. alan627b

    Winter is almost over

    I hope this is true...
  17. alan627b

    present for wife

    I laughed so hard that I had to stop reading about 6 times! The image in my head of that story...Lee, thanks a ton for posting that! My head hurts! I hope no one with Asthma reads this, it might kill them! alan627b
  18. alan627b

    I need a good joke

    Badumbump Is this thing on?
  19. alan627b

    I need a good joke

    need a laugh? I guarantee you can find something funny on of of these links... Make your own...
  20. alan627b

    Rules for Non Military

    Hope you all enjoy these... alan627b
  21. alan627b

    Car Acronyms

    CAMARO Creeps And Morons Always Race One CHEVROLET Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time! MUSTANG Messed Up Sh*t That Ain't No Good OLDS Old Lady Drives Slowly MOPAR My Old Plymouth Always Runs, Mostly Oil Parts And Repairs etc. DODGE Damn Old Dog Gets Even FORD Found On...
  22. alan627b

    Gentelman Quiz

    The proper response is "Real men don't take quizzes"!
  23. alan627b

    10 Worst Gifts To Buy Your Woman I;m not sure you will find the answer to that question, but here is where I stole the ads from. Be sure to check out the car ads. alan627b
  24. alan627b

    10 Worst Gifts To Buy Your Woman

    Incredibly sexist real ads from the 50's....
  25. alan627b

    I Don't Think So!

    And the American taxpayer must be on the floor under them all, getting pi$$ed on as usual! I wish the goverment would quit spending money like it had a credit card with no limit.... alan627b
  26. alan627b

    I Don't Think So!

    Makes it a little harder for the drunks to miss.....
  27. alan627b

    Top 10 Things Men Know About Women

    Ya gotta love Google Image search....the ads were real at one time, not photoshopped. Honest! Found some of them here... Be sure to check out the car ads!
  28. alan627b

    OK ,Let's see those Halloween costumes!

    Interesting.....but I think I'd rather see an army of Elviras! As long as the models can do justice to the outfit!