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  1. J

    blonde joke :)

    Thanks that one made me chuckle, theres nothing like a good clean joke. Everyone needs one once in awhile. Justin
  2. J

    Tight skirt , bus stop

    Thanks that was hilarious.
  3. J

    Guess what I'll be installing on my A-body?

    That was hilarious. Im gonna need that last one when my girls hit their teens. :-D:-D
  4. J


    Now thats some funny stuff i dont think i'd have to guts to try it though.
  5. J

    Not a joke

    Thanks mike i'm getting close to "turning 30" (got a couple more years yet though :-D) and i am already beginning to learn how true that really is. I think i'll take his advice. Thanks again mike. Justin
  6. J

    why you don't tell

    thats a good one mike guess i wont ask her.:-D:-D:-D
  7. J

    Woman Calls Orem Police To Free Her From Her Locked Car

    Damn. That is all i can say damn. Some people
  8. J

    ......uh, WTF!

    Ive got to say i really want one of those. Those are pretty cool and i like the v8 idea but id go 440 4spd that would be bad @$$ but id probably have to sit on the air cleaner but it would be awesome.
  9. J

    The Picture On The Night Stand

    awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! Thats terrible poor guy he should have looked for the adams apple :toothy10::toothy10:
  10. J

    Technician Training

    huh i got every word of that. those guys are awesome, i need them to work on my stuff lol.
  11. J

    New Guy In Prison

    wow hes in trouble but that was funny
  12. J

    Don't You Know Who I Am?

    thats funny thanks you sure have some good jokes i appreciate them
  13. J

    Lost in Wally World

    :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D thats a good one
  14. J

    Fleas joke :)

  15. J

    Would "you" stop drinking?

    i dont drink but if that was the case i would have to take it up they look like :snorting::snorting::snorting:
  16. J

    Duct Tape

    oh my god that was funny thanks a lot for that one im still laughing my a$$ off. Justin
  17. J

    The Marine and The Atheist

    how true thanks for that one:-D:-D:-D
  18. J

    Memike, this is for you.

    damn now thats a slant i need one of those for my car there is nothing worse to a v8 guy than getting spanked by a 6 you gotta love it. Justin
  19. J

    A Joke for some folks here

    those are pretty good memike they gave me a good laugh
  20. J

    I have learn what I am

    :-D:-D:-D:-D that one was funny the cousins one has me kind of worried though
  21. J

    Oh memike...this thong's for you.....

    i like that last one those wide tires look bad a$$ better get to work cudaspaz you know you like that look and now that you have seen it how can you not run out to the garage and start cutting to get those tubs in there. :toothy10::toothy10: dont you just hate photo shop what you had put a lot...
  22. J

    The Other Woman

  23. J

    Street Racing TV Ad

    good times, good times :-D
  24. J

    Redneck Power Windows

    sweet and i was gonna buy a power window kit for my car now i can save a lot of money :-D
  25. J

    For the ladies here.

    now that was funny memike the women ones werent that funny well they were but more scary than funny but that one about the old man still has me laughing
  26. J

    How to shower like a man/woman

    oh my god that was funny i laughed my a$$ off
  27. J

    *ww* memikes 1st babysitter

    dang memike your a lucky man LOL
  28. J

    *WW* game *WW*

    i love that game i gotta try it again
  29. J

    brain teaser

    damn it Sweaty you made me feel stupid now it took me about 45 min all together to beat this thing and my 5 year old daughter just beat it all by herself in 15 min. she's grounded