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  1. Big Jim

    Home remidies for the comman cold?

    Good old fashioned hot toddy- 1-2 tbsps whiskey, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1-2 tbsps honey in a coffee cup, fill with water and microwave until hot. Sip until it's gone and you'll sleep like a baby...
  2. Big Jim

    New Year Resolutions

    Be more thankful of what I do have and ***** less about what I don't...
  3. Big Jim

    Post your favorite saying

    One of my Dad's favorites- "if a man was worth all the dried **** he could eat, he wouldn't be a politician to begin with..."
  4. Big Jim

    My Employer sucks!

    Did you ever consider that this might be your company's way of finding out who is commited to them for promotion or raises?
  5. Big Jim


    Hopefully, just the fact that you expressed an interest in learning to communicate with him in a language that he is comfortable with should earn you some respect with him. Marriage itself can be difficult enough, without being multi-cultural. Kudos to you, my friend, let the detractors drown...
  6. Big Jim

    Goodbye, Sarah

    So sorry to hear this. Just remember that you are not alone in this- the whole FABO family is here for you. Cherish all the memories as you go forward. And please, don't be afraid to ask for help, even if it's just someone to vent to.
  7. Big Jim

    Church Folk

    Belief in God os a good thing but it isn't a license for stupidity...
  8. Big Jim

    Trying to get back on track

    Sorry to hear this, memike! For what it's worth, just know thay you and your family gave her the start of living right and treating others right. My Dad always said that if your heart was in the right place it was in line to get broken...just hope it gets better for you and yours. Prayers sent...
  9. Big Jim

    My best friend was killed in Afgahnistan yesterday

    Condolences and prayers sent. Sorry to hear this.
  10. Big Jim

    RIP Sister Sue

    Sorry to hear this-lost my sister Feb '12 to cancer as well. Prayers and condolences to you and your family.
  11. Big Jim


    Hope you find something to let you rest and heal! (Good Kentucky whisky?)
  12. Big Jim

    Mmmm... Pinup girl!

    Done- good luck!
  13. Big Jim

    URGENT!! Prayer requests needed HORRIBLE WRECK

    So sorry to see this- prayers sent for all, including you and your wife.
  14. Big Jim

    name this picture

    "A Moment to Cherish"...
  15. Big Jim

    FABO sucks !

    Thumbs up, DD! You're trying, that's more than a lot of people. As for the haters, it's thier loss. Rather have a friend with a good heart like yours than a genius ******* any day of the week! Keep pluggin' away, man- you'll get there!
  16. Big Jim

    I am offishily a calledge gradeuate!

    Let the guy have some fun - he earned it! (BTW- Congrats!)
  17. Big Jim

    Dad passed early this morning

    Sorry for your loss- prayers and condolences sent.
  18. Big Jim

    Marta (TXDart Mom) Prayers

    2nd link in place!
  19. Big Jim

    Can I please get some help here???

    Come on guys- time to step up and help a brother out! Not like it costs anything-just a minute of keyboard thumping- and yes I already voted for him! (And Leanna and Mike as well)
  20. Big Jim

    RaniDart70 Needs some of your prayers

    Sent from here!
  21. Big Jim

    Labor Lawyers Advice?

    Sometimes the best "justice" is to go on and live well-sounds like the lady has a really well documented business sense. Even in this economy I don't think she'll be out for long. Good luck to both of you.
  22. Big Jim

    my niece

    Prayers from the desert for all!
  23. Big Jim

    Facebook, Twitter, MySpace

    Facebook account is a lot like a pimple on the ***- not too annoying unless you mess with it too much...
  24. Big Jim

    That is it, I am fed up!

    Congrats, VR- looks like you guys might be turning a corner for the better!
  25. Big Jim

    We Need Your Votes For $250,000 Grant

    Just added the wife's votes-best of luck to all!
  26. Big Jim

    We Need Your Votes For $250,000 Grant

    All 3 got my vote-will add wife's votes shortly. As for the rest of FABO- come on guys! These are members and support/help us all the time-take the time to thank them and vote!
  27. Big Jim

    Different/interesting ways to say I QUIT

    Wise old man once told me "the more you stir **** the more it stinks"- you never know what twists and turns life might take tomorrow...
  28. Big Jim

    Any ISU fans?

    If any FABO member is an ISU (Indiana State) fan, I have 2 of the '79 Final Four 7-Up bottles- one is empty, the other is still capped and full. If anybody wants them, pay for the ride and they are yours!
  29. Big Jim

    I Need Your Vote for a $250K Small Business Grant

    Just added another vote for you-best of luck to one of the best!