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  1. LEX

    Prayer Request

    will remember this in my prayers tonight
  2. LEX

    NASCAR To Debut Thermal-Cam on Daytona 500 TV Broadcast

    If i wanna watch nascar Ill just flush a pack of skittles down my toilet. :mrgreen:
  3. LEX

    BEST song to cruise with in your Valiant!!!

    This is AWESOME best song to cruise to in the slant six valiant :grin: dunno if anyones posted this before but everyone should hear this YouTube - "Slant Six Valiant" :: one blue nine what other songs do you guys like cruising in your classics to?
  4. LEX

    Step Daughter problems (need advise)

    Wow....dudes that sucks. I have a hard enough time taking care of my university essays I could never handle little **** disturbers like you guys do. Kudos to your patience guys