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  1. Sully1190

    J.J. Best Banc & Co

    Did your rates or anything change when it was transferred?
  2. Sully1190

    J.J. Best Banc & Co

    Has anyone dealth with this loan company to know whether they are reputable and fair in their prices? Was carried to it via a link on the Hagerty site. Was considering applying through them to see if we could get pre-approved for financing on an older car, since regular banks won't touch...
  3. Sully1190

    Pink Floyd fans?

    I really hate I missed ever being able to see them. /young... Favorite band of all time.
  4. Sully1190

    The Price of Corn (or Mopars)

    Which is why I asked. I wanted to know if it was just a bunch of people following each other's lead, listing things for prices they'd never sell at, or if it was actual supply and demand at work. That's awesome about the impala though haha
  5. Sully1190

    The Price of Corn (or Mopars)

    Being iconic isn't necessarily a bad thing. But I'd think charger's were more iconic than challengers, and seems challengers are definitely higher. Though, to be fair, they didn't make e-bodies for nearly as long.
  6. Sully1190

    The Price of Corn (or Mopars)

    Checking the completed auctions. Doh... Obviously I haven't had enough coffee today.
  7. Sully1190

    The Price of Corn (or Mopars)

    This was just a curiosity really. While our A Bodies are staying in a relatively reasonable price range, seems like the more famous Mopar muscle has inflated to ridiculous prices. Chargers and Roadrunners are on the higher end, at least to me it seems. Comparable in price to the more sought...
  8. Sully1190

    Paypal Questions

    His not calling me at some point is definitely suspicious, but I've actually bought and sold several things via text or messages on this site haha. But yeah. As the conversation went on, it became pretty obvious it was a scam. I just was double checking here because of the paypal part. Really...
  9. Sully1190

    Paypal Questions

    Ah, thanks for the head's up guys. Like I said, it seemed sketchy to me, but I didn't know if there was a way to work around the paypal. Disappointing.
  10. Sully1190

    Paypal Questions

    I was attempting to sell a vehicle via a local paper and someone text my number saying that they were interested in buying it for their father, but that they didn't live in the same area. They suggested paying for it via paypal and then having a shipping company pick it up once payment had been...
  11. Sully1190

    purists need not apply

    I can get behind the truck deal if it's an A100 or Econoline we're talking about.
  12. Sully1190

    purists need not apply

    On second thought, I agree with this guy! ^ Went to a local car show a few months ago and someone had a "Hemi Gremi" there that was absolutely awesome.
  13. Sully1190

    purists need not apply

    A 440 in a mustang would be neat, but what I've always wanted to do is drop one in an older style car. FFR makes an old ford kit that's pretty cheap, when you look at all you get. Ready to paint up and drop an engine in. If I get one, I'll probably have to go with the 302, for the sake of...
  14. Sully1190

    What are your Top 5 music bands/artists of all time?

    Hmm... In no order. Pink Floyd (Fav. Album: The Wall) Gorillaz (Fav. Album: Demon Days) Linkin Park (Fav. Album: Meteora) Foo Fighters (Fav. Album: All of them) Audioslave (Fav. Album: All of them) My musical tastes are a little scattered, as you can see.
  15. Sully1190

    FABO Member collage

    So it's not too late then! Cool. I'll pass along a picture of mine. Whether I end up keeping it or not, I'd like to see it on the wall.
  16. Sully1190

    Who is your Favorite Sheriff

    Rick Grimes, "Officer Friendly." Tribute to Rick Grimes - YouTube Contains some spoilers!
  17. Sully1190

    Sweet Tea

    ^ This. Lipton Ice Tea bags. Use as many as you need to get it the strength you like. Add sugar. Stir.
  18. Sully1190

    Steak 'N Shake anyone???

    Steak n shake is pretty awesome. Don't have any around here, but we stopped at one on a road trip once, and I was impressed.
  19. Sully1190

    Need some help Jack Daniels

    I have enough Jack + honey left for one glass. Want that bottle? I can finish it off real quick.
  20. Sully1190

    Remember to Vote today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm going to be that guy and say that, if you haven't done your research on both candidates, thoroughly, don't vote just to vote. :p
  21. Sully1190


    National Novel Writing Month begins (for me) in about 20 minutes. Anyone else participating?
  22. Sully1190

    What car got you into Mopars?

    I watched a special on what must have been discovery or history channel when I was but a wee laddie. It was all about classic muscle cars and such, and they had a whole portion of it dedicated to talking about how dusters and darts made such great racing cars because they were so light. I was...
  23. Sully1190


    What exactly would they purchase from us? We purchase everything from them.
  24. Sully1190


    GTFO out of my country, father in law!
  25. Sully1190

    Should I call it quits?

    Could always make it a convertible.
  26. Sully1190


    Oh, I see where that one is going. Now now. Be nice haha. Spanish really isn't a very hard language to learn. I've picked up a whole bunch just from working with some of the Puerto Rican students here.
  27. Sully1190

    Should I call it quits?

    It can be done. It's a matter of how much cash and time you wanna spend. If you're up for the challenge, go for it! If not, pass it on to someone else, and try again. ^^ It /can/ be saved. It's just a matter of whether or not it's worth it to you. Welcome to FABO.
  28. Sully1190

    anyone else a slave to the big man?

    I keep trying to get my wife to go for this set up, and she just will not do it.
  29. Sully1190

    anyone else a slave to the big man?

    Ouch. I thought most jobs had such things. I mean, obviously I know a lot who don't, but those are mostly farmers. (I know a lot of farmers). Then again, pretty much the only jobs I have inside knowledge on are farming, engineering (for the federal gov), and nursing :|
  30. Sully1190

    anyone else a slave to the big man?

    Document it next time, and get a lawyer on him. I'm pretty sure there're confidential ways to do this.