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  1. P

    I am tired

    its no wonder the man is tired. a member for 5 years. over 31000 posts. that works out to 17 posts a day every day for the last 5 years if my math is correct. wow.
  2. P

    New E bay Scam alert

    bought a shitload of stuff myself including 5 cars over the past 10 years. never had a problem.
  3. P

    440 id

    the flat pad on the front of motor will tell you. it will be stamped. 1966 was the first year for the 440 by the way.
  4. P

    Serial # ID

    i was being nice. sorry i was distracted
  5. P

    Serial # ID

  6. P

    Quitting smoking.

    your doctor will prescribe it.
  7. P

    Quitting smoking.

    worked for me. been 4 years now, people that are having withdrawls and wierd dreams is not from the drug champix its from the lack of nicotine in their bloodstream. easy to blame the prescribed drug. but the non drug alternative is to quit cold turkey. just dont keep any sharp objects around...
  8. P

    Quitting smoking.

    been over 4 years for me. no cravings whatsoever. all i have to do is think about how much money the canadian government was sucking fom my wallet when i was sucking on a cigarette was enough to lose all cravings. not to mention the 2 mopars i have bought with money saved from not killing myself...
  9. P

    Dodge takes Talledega

    great race. i was listening to the fact its the first time in 30 some odd years a dodge has won a race here. they however forgot to mention chrysler pulled out of nascar racing for how many years? would have been many more wins i am sure. my 2 cents.
  10. P

    And so the hiding inside begins.....

    hey formula hows your dog doin.
  11. P

    And so the hiding inside begins.....

    leave the doors open to the house for a while. then he'll wanna go outside. once he's out lock the door.
  12. P

    Baby name ideas - need suggestions

    when a kid pops out i think of Yuck. hows that for a name.
  13. P

    Baby name ideas - need suggestions

    don't make the little bugger wish he never had a name when he gets older. kids in the school yard can be brutal. a cool name with a car background is Nash. a cool name just ask my grandson. good luck.
  14. P

    Give him the damn juice box

    get the little bastard together with both his parents. give both parents juice boxes and give him 2 sharp objects. then kick the little bastards *** after he's finished drinking.