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  1. fourspeed

    Bears/Packers jokes.

    I've been there too. Next time I go, I'm taking my camera.
  2. fourspeed

    Bears/Packers jokes.

    I'm so sorry. Still, it could be worse. You could be a Vikings fan.
  3. fourspeed

    How to wake up your girlfriend

    My wife would have beat the @#$% out of me.
  4. fourspeed

    Magic Beer Bottle

    Yep! This is an old trick that seems to come up again and again.
  5. fourspeed

    (Game) test your engine I.D. skills.

    16 out of 19 on the second one.
  6. fourspeed

    Neat site -

    Hey, is that Clint Eastwood? No, just some dumbass.
  7. fourspeed

    You are from rural wisconsin if.....

    Ah, fer cripes sake. When our town had a population of 450, it had two bars.
  8. fourspeed

    Tequila must see

    Excellent! They could have done a better job with the video, but... still good. Can't beat a little Tequila for the ladies!