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  1. Xcptshnl1

    Worlds Tallest Building

    in Toronto ...
  2. Xcptshnl1

    The ***** Study

    Subject: The ***** Study In 1993, the American Government funded a study to see why the head of a man's ***** was larger than the shaft. After 1 year and $180,000, they concluded that the reason that the head was larger than the shaft was to give the man more pleasure during sex...
  3. Xcptshnl1

    Bad Day

    Even when you are having a really bad day, someone will still try to screw you ... MARY
  4. Xcptshnl1

    So Long 2010

    no matter who you did or did not vote for this is funny... look for the basket ball at the end.. So Long To Ya, 2010 | Funny Video Animation by JibJab MARY click on the title on the video box
  5. Xcptshnl1

    Little Johnny Rides Again...

    Little Johnny asks his buddy, Roy, "Do you think if you were riding your donkey and someone threw a rock at you and you fell off, would you be considered stoned off your ***?" :scratch: :-k
  6. Xcptshnl1

    You Picked A Fine Time

    YouTube- "You Picked a Fine Time to Lead Us, Barack" by Jonathan McWhite :snakeman:
  7. Xcptshnl1

    Bumper snicker

    I saw this one yesterday... I HAD to post it!! <<Sorry Fellas>> "NICE TRUCK" :bootysha::bootysha:
  8. Xcptshnl1

    Put it on my bill

    Donald and Daisy Duck got married and went on their honey moon trip to the local Motel 8. Daisy asked Donald,"Did you bring 'Protection?" Donald replied,"Oh, no I forgot! Let me see if the guy at the front desk has anything." So he hopped on down to the front desk. After looking the clerk...
  9. Xcptshnl1


    How did Burger King get Dairy Queen Pregnant? He forgot to wrap his whopper. :king:
  10. Xcptshnl1

    Silence of the lambs

    Why do some cowboys use rope to tie up their pants? :dontknow: 'Cause sheep can hear zippers! :shock:
  11. Xcptshnl1

    Pumpkin Pie

    Ever wonder how to make a REAL PUMPKIN PIE??
  12. Xcptshnl1

    Tom Cat Betrays His Girlfriend!!

    This is good!!:toothy8:
  13. Xcptshnl1

    Walk Naked In America Day!

    WALK NAKED IN AMERICA DAY Don't forget to mark your calendars. As you may already know, it is a sin for a Taliban male to see any woman other than his wife naked. He must commit suicide if he does.. So next Saturday at 4 PM Eastern Time, all American women are asked to walk...
  14. Xcptshnl1


    According to a news report, a certain private school in Victoria, BC recently was faced with a unique problem. A number of grade 12 girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick they would press their lips to the...
  15. Xcptshnl1

    TV Commercials

    This guy's pretty good !
  16. Xcptshnl1

    Fishing For Squirrels

    My Dad said the other day he was out walking along the river bank when he saw a squirrel come to the edge of the water. Now, that squirrel saw an acorn on a rock at the very edge of the water. When the small animal reached out to pick the nut, a large mouth bass jumped out of that water...
  17. Xcptshnl1

    What's The Difference Between...

    What is the difference between blondes and traffic signs? :dontknow: Some traffic signs say "stop". :stop: :toothy10:
  18. Xcptshnl1

    Smile for the camera!

    Man says to his wife: Let me take a picture of your brea$t$, than I can always look at them. =P~=P~ Wife: Let me take a picture of you peni$, I will have it...
  19. Xcptshnl1

    Talking Dirty

    When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. :argue: :butthead: :-\"When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 per minute.:downtown:
  20. Xcptshnl1

    Redneck Jedi

    You might be a Redneck Jedi if... =========================================== * You ever heard the phrase, "May the force be with y'all." * Your Jedi robe is camouflage. * You have ever used your light saber to open a bottle of Bud Light. * At least one wing of your X-Wings is primer...
  21. Xcptshnl1

    What Do You Get...

    What do you get when you cross snow with a shark?:scratch: :dontknow: frost bit:poke:
  22. Xcptshnl1

    Gentelmen Quiz

    Gentlemen Quiz Want to know if you're, or someone you know is a gentleman? 1. In the company of feminists, intercourse should be referred to as: a) Lovemaking b) Screwing c) The pigskin bus pulling into tuna town 2. You should make love to a woman for the first time only after you've both...
  23. Xcptshnl1

    Post number 1,000!!

    Well is should be quite appropriate the my first post was a joke post. and so shall my 1,000th... Two 90 year olds had been dating for a while, when the man told the woman, "Well, tonight's the night we have sex!" And so they did. As they are lying in bed afterward, the man thinks to...
  24. Xcptshnl1

    Divorce at Disneyland

    Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are in divorce court. "Mickey," the judge says, "I'm sorry. I can't grant you a divorce on the grounds of insanity. Minnie seems quite sane to me." "I didn't say she was insane," exclaims Mickey. "I said she was f**king Goofy." :angry7:
  25. Xcptshnl1

    Ever have one of THOSE days?

    (please forgive copyrights, I thought this was funny...:-D)
  26. Xcptshnl1

    Perfect Female/NOT FOR KiDS!!!

    With all the advances in science and cloning, scientist have now come up with the perfect woman.......................................
  27. Xcptshnl1

    Fancy Luxury Car

    Gotta love Red Green!
  28. Xcptshnl1

    After The Office Party...

    John, woke up after the annual office Christmas party with a pounding headache, cotton-mouthed and utterly unable to recall the events of the preceding evening. After a trip to the bathroom, he made his way downstairs, where his wife put some coffee in front of him. "Louise," he moaned, "tell...
  29. Xcptshnl1

    New Alcohol Warnings

    Newly issued Canadian alcohol warnings: :drinkers: The Toronto Board of Health has proposed that warning signs be placed on all alcohol bottles to tip off drinkers about the possible peril of drinking a pint or two of any alcoholic beverage. 1. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may cause you...
  30. Xcptshnl1

    NOT For The Timid

    Why All Raincoats Should Be Yellow