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  1. Teeth & Tires

    Working on modern Mopars

    How are they? Easy? Not so much? My wife drives an 09 Volkswagen that I am considering pelting with Molotavs. The entire engine is a Chinese finger trap with 50 or more 'sensors' just waiting for the right moment to ruin your day. I'm sick of it! Considering a V8 Charger or Chally to serve...
  2. Teeth & Tires

    Where the guitar players?

    You know you've been waiting for someone to give you a reason to show off your axe(s) so have at it!
  3. Teeth & Tires

    Hands down; the funniest thing you'll read this year.

    Can't make this stuff up... You WILL laugh out loud, guaranteed.
  4. Teeth & Tires

    30 yrs since Invasion Of Panama

    Anyone else on here go up against the PDF in the P-nam back in the day? 30 years ago, this Friday (12/20) It was the first time I ever saw a real, no-**** Apache. **** war but, good times otherwise.
  5. Teeth & Tires

    Imgur and the sissies who use it.

    First off, I'm not saying anyone is a sissy for using Imgur to host their photos but... I hosted a couple pics of handguns because I was participating in a forum thread about handguns and I couldn't help but notice how my handgun pics seem to receive a lot of down-votes. What the hell has...
  6. Teeth & Tires

    Unbelievable. *crybaby alert.

    The following was posted by an acquaintance who I am now ashamed to admit even knowing. She posted it on Facebook and had the nerve to hashtag it to a real cause. The whole thing pisses me off so bad I now have to rant about it in order to get it off my brain. I am posting it as-is and...
  7. Teeth & Tires

    Barracudas in TV and movies

    See an A-body Barracuda on your TV screen? Snap a shot, post it here. Include a quick note on where you found it. *there's already a site for this sort of thing, "Internet Movie Car Database" but it's painful to go thru, not being in thread format. Was watching They Live, 1988. Caught this -...
  8. Teeth & Tires

    Please tell me this isn't real - Leno Hemi Under Glass

    Video: Watch as Jay Leno rolls in the 'Hemi Under Glass'
  9. Teeth & Tires

    Dryer sheet hate

    I know you people who use 'em. I can smell you across the parking lot. Burns my nose like taking a whiff of ammonia. I don't get why people use 'em but whatever. Who else hates these things?
  10. Teeth & Tires

    Every time I type FABO into Google.....

    I gotta look at this dumbass... Oh the humanity.