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  1. Xcptshnl1

    For MeMike, My Brother

    YouTube - Lynyrd Skynyrd- Still Unbroken Yall's not gonna be able to sit still to watch this one I guarantee!! ~Mary
  2. Xcptshnl1


    This song I dedicate to the 29 miners who lost their lives making sure our lights stay on. This tragic accident happened just 20 miles south of my home. When the explosion happened it literally shook my house. Pray for their families. This one goes out to the LOST SOULS of Montcoal...
  3. Xcptshnl1

    We've been adopted

    Well my FABO family, now I would like to announce that my family has been adopted by a beautiful mamma-to-be cat. I expect her to deliver in about a month or so. She is a Tabby/ Angora . My son Gregory brought her home Sunday. He has named her Lilo... our tom cat is named Stitch. here is...
  4. Xcptshnl1

    Mountain Lions In West Virginia

    My cousin lives in Elkins, West Virginia. He took the following picture in his driveway. Now he knows what happened to his beagles. He lost two this winter. My dad took this picture last week on the river bank behind his house. The DNR Officer came and confirmed it was a Mountain Loin...
  5. Xcptshnl1

    Alaska Winter.. In West Virginia

    You gotta see this. This man I know in the southern side of West Virginia... This is his driveway He finally can get his truck out!!
  6. Xcptshnl1

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday bwhitejr (60) joecuda (47) fishy68 (46) 416demon (45) 74duster Joe's73Dart (24) dartboy318 :wav:
  7. Xcptshnl1

    Goodbye Snicklefritz

    We lost a member of our family tonight. Snicklefritz died of Feline Lukemia complicated by pneumonia tonight. She was such a sweet cat from the moment we found her, to having our family just fall in love with her... Rest In Peace my sweet baby girl ~MARY:sad7::cry::crybaby:
  8. Xcptshnl1

    Happy Birthday Grumpuscreature

    I want to wish a very Happy Birthday to a member that turns 57 today. A member that I hold near and dear to my heart. He is David Gillespie AKA grumpuscreature AKA my Husband. David is one of the kindest and wisest men I have ever known. He is My Best Friend and he is a great father to...
  9. Xcptshnl1

    Prayers Needed

    Some of you might know I am a cat person. Well this morning, I had to take my youngest cat Snicklefritz to the Vet, and they kept her. She has a high fever, she has been rapidly loosing weight and this morning she woke me up screaming before she "yarked" all over the kitchen floor. As soon...
  10. Xcptshnl1

    Grumpuscreature In The Hospital

    My Dear FABO FAMILY, :sad11: My husband David, AKA to you as "grumpuscreature" was admitted into the hospital early this afternoon. He was supposed to go to his 'regular doc' this morning, but she called the house this morning when she read his chart and told me to get him to the...
  11. Xcptshnl1

    Xcptshnl1: I lost my grandmother this morning

    I lost my Grand Mother this morning at 2 am. We called her Mamaw Ruth. Mamaw was 94 years old. Mamaw Ruth passed in her sleep of natural causes. Mamaw was born in January of 1915 in a 2 room log cabin in Braxton County, West Virginia. She only went to the 3rd grade, which was a lot of...
  12. Xcptshnl1

    F L U

    F L U :pale: :sad4: :puker: I have Influenzia A My son Greg has type B just got a call from my brother in Richwood, Ohio. All 6 members of his household have the SWINE FLU. Any one else out there sick? 'Tis the season for sneezin'
  13. Xcptshnl1

    9-11 Rememberance

    This is not a political or idealist thread. It Just My Way of saying, "I remember. I WILL NEVER FORGET.
  14. Xcptshnl1

    Meet Snicklefritz

    I have a new member of the family. I want to introduce little miss Snicklefritz.... She is a "Mirror Image Tabby Calico" with Spots and stripes on her front and back legs are reverse patterns. She is One Of A Kind!! And She Rules The Roost Even Stitch our 34 pound tom cat is impressed
  15. Xcptshnl1

    Xcptshnl1 & Grump's Vacation

    This a place like no other... Cranberry Glades. There are plants here that have been here since the last ICE AGE. The only other place in the world you will find tundra like this is way up north, in Canada. this area is in a 'bowl valley' at 2500 feet above sea level. Is is a bog. And we did...
  16. Xcptshnl1

    Lost my best friend

    I've been at my Mom and Dad's all week. I went to a wake and a funeral. I lost a very good friend that I'd known for over 40 years to Lung Disease . She had been in Prysby. Hospital in Pittsburg, Penn., awaiting a lung transplant. Her doctors told her family,..."if she could hold on...
  17. Xcptshnl1

    Victory Garden

    Back during the Great Depression, families had it hard, no doubt. The government back then motivated the people to plant "Victory Gardens" I have always managed to have a garden. I grew up in the country, and everybody had one. I just love getting out with David and the kids, digging in the...
  18. Xcptshnl1

    My Dad is in the hospital, PRAYERS REQUESTED

    I have been busy this last few weeks with my garden, trying to take care of the kids and MY David while trying to keep the rabbits out of my cabbage:axe: Then yesterday, my Dad who is also named David, was taken in an ambulance the hospital with the FLU-A and bacterial pneumonia. My Mom...
  19. Xcptshnl1

    What did You Do When You Turned 21?

    OK I am taking the quote from MeMike :rock:and running with it. "What did you do when you turned 21?" For me it was back in the winter 1986. I had the traditional cake with the candles with my family and friends.:wav: :occasion: Then, those friends of mine took me out and I got so $hit...
  20. Xcptshnl1

    "Stand By Me", Feel Good Song of The Day

    Thought some one might enjoy this one ~Mary :happy10:
  21. Xcptshnl1

    Bar Codes

    I hope this is true so we can have a reliable guide. You can figure out where the food that made you sick came from!!!:vom: Very interesting if you're interested about where your food comes from. Check the bar codes on foods, whether it is for people or pets. Foodstuffs from China have...
  22. Xcptshnl1

    Happy Valentine's Day

  23. Xcptshnl1

    Good Guy Alert from MeMike

    I just spoke to MeMIke, Y'all know MeMike....:rock: He is out of power there in Jonesboro, Arkansas and has been for several day. He said the power company said it might take a whole month to get it all restored!! He said that a freak ice storm hit his neck of the woods, one that even...
  24. Xcptshnl1

    Happy Birthday Grumpuscreature!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU GRUMPPY!!! :occasion::occasion::occasion: YOU'RE 56 TODAY!! LOVE , YOUR EXCEPTIONAL WIFE, MARY :love7::glasses9:
  25. Xcptshnl1

    An Xcptshnl Winter Getaway

    I celebrated my birthday on Friday Jan 16th. On Saturday, we dropped the kids off at Granny's and had our selves an overnight at Hawks Nest Lodge at Hawks Nest State Park in Ansted, West Virginia. Now this was not a fancy place, just the basic room with dinner and breakfast. But, for what we...
  26. Xcptshnl1

    Old Trains

    My parents and I grew up in rural West Virginia. To see a train moving coal and lumber up and down the Elk River or Buffalo Creek was an every day thing. Here are a few pictures that I have of places that I call home... Lumber cut in the sawmill where my mother's father and several of my...
  27. Xcptshnl1

    ~~From Xcptshnl1, "I am so greatful!"~~

    I asked AdamR to make this one a "Sticky" so all could read this. I am Xcptshnl1, (Exceptional One). My name is Mary Gillespie. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone who participated in Memike's :rock: Bid to Win thread, sent in donations and/or just had a kind thought or...
  28. Xcptshnl1

    Merry Christmas To All Our Troops and Their Families

    This Viedo goes out to all who are serving our country and to all those whom have family serving over seas. Merry Christmas, and GOD BLESS YOU ALL :salute::usa2: ~The Gillespie Family
  29. Xcptshnl1

    Old Sayings

    With winter settling in I go back to the old wives tales my Granny used to tell me. My kids found a woolyworm the other day. Granny used to say the wider the black band on the woolyworm the harsher the winter... by this pic, we are in for a long cold winter. What superstitions or wives...
  30. Xcptshnl1

    What was #1 song on the day you were born?

    Ever wonder what the number one hit song was on the date of your birth? Wonder no more. Here's a web site that will tell you just that: Saturday January 16, 1965 Mine was "Come See About Me" by The Supremes ((((((((((((sorry the url will not link for some reason))))))))))))))):angry7: I...