Search results for query: *

  1. dartgirl66

    Look who's back!!... Again... lol

    Hey guys!!! I know I fell off the face of the earth again for a while.. But guess what?! I got this nursing school thing nipped in the butt! I took my last test today so its just a waiting game until graduation on the 23rd of this month! But here's what y'all really want to hear about (lol)...
  2. dartgirl66

    On the road again... :)

    Hey guys! I just wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas before I headed out! I'm off to Bowling Green, Kentucky to see all of my family. I'll be there for a week... And I thought it would be interesting to see where everyone was going for the holidays if you were traveling. :)
  3. dartgirl66

    Guess what 2morrow is?!

    Not that anyone cares or anything.. but in 3 hours and 20 minutes I will be 22! Its not really going to be a big deal... I'll be in school from 8 am to 4 pm, then I have to come home and study... but yeah.. it's still my birthday.. :) P.S. I just seen where George Ray passed away.. that...
  4. dartgirl66

    Alright guys.. I have a question..

    I'm looking to put a 426 Stroker kit in the 360 in my Dart. It will still be a while before I have it painted or anything but I really want to get it going so I can drive it now.. Anyone know where I can get that kit? I'm also wanting the 426 heads for it.. I know its out there.. I've seen where...
  5. dartgirl66

    Long time, no see.. :)

    Hey guys! Its Wendy (Dartgirl66) I was just gonna appologize for not being around in a while, or putting my 2 cents in on posts. But I swear, nursing school is going to be the death of me. I'm sure that the instructors are out to get us.. lol. We have 7 tests this week split up between Monday...
  6. dartgirl66

    Want a drawing of your car?

    Hey guys! How many of you out there have probably looked high and low for a print of your 'baby' only to come up unsuccessful. Well.. Bradley Wilson, of Fairdealing, Missouri, can draw, by hand, an awesome sketch of your pride and joy. All you have to do is send us a picture of the car you want...