Search results for query: *

  1. ramenth

    American made.

    Start up website looking to add to its list. *Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with this site. I just thought it would be nice for those who might have American made products or sold American made products to have another avenue to get the word out. As well as those who want to buy American...
  2. ramenth

    Is this the ultimate Christmas song?

    Of course, opinions may very, but still, it covers from manger to cross and gets it right.
  3. ramenth

    9 months of misery at an end

    As some of you may remember, I took a job as a painter at a local rail builder. For nine months I was trapped doing body work and gelcoat on fiberglass roomettes for the Amtrak sleeper cars. These are little rolling hotel rooms, with seats that fold down into a bunk, another pull down bunk...
  4. ramenth

    I'm not dead...yet.

    Told Frankie I'd come in and post an update since I haven't been around in a while. Let's start from the beginning. My last thread my have been back in February, when my mom died. We'll go further back than that. After all the struggles of trying saving my house it was a battle I lost. In...
  5. ramenth

    Craigslist folks have expanded.

    I tried. I really did. I even kept it simple, using simple terminology, breaking it down into something I thought everyone coI'll understand... even using voltage terms that simplify... What can you do?
  6. ramenth


    The time has come. Momma has progressed in the stage of Alzheimer's my parents family doctor warned Pop about, she's not swallowing. Right now she's receiving comfort care at an area hospital, admitted last night as Pop took her the ER for some answers to questions. Decision was made last...
  7. ramenth

    Freaking nightmares.

    For about a month now, awaken up two or three times a night with nightmares. I've had only a night or two without and slept peacefully.
  8. ramenth

    My awesome Christmas gift.

  9. ramenth

    Member's son is the starting role.

    Sundance is airing a docudrama tonight called Jim Jones. The lead role of Jim Jones stars Jason Cicalese, the son of our very own Frankie!
  10. ramenth

    $1500 for WHAT? You gotta be sh***in' me

    I've sold two 351's over the past couple of years. Sold the first for $200, the second left tonight for $150. Both core engines, no verification on anything, rebuild em at your own expense. Guy who bought the second one tonight is using his for a Street Stock dirt track Fox body. Told me...
  11. ramenth

    Rewarding experience.

    About a month ago, my dad, 77, went in for back surgery. Momma is pretty well gone with Alzheimer's. She can't feed herself, can't walk, has to wear adult diapers, etc. Pop's been her sole caretaker for about the last five years and pretty much wants it that way. The rest of the family helps...
  12. ramenth

    Some good things happening...

    ...for a change. Many of you know of the struggles I've had over the course of the past year. Dealing with depression, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, even some homicidal thoughts and tendencies thrown into the mix, just to make it fun. Marriage coming apart. Financial struggles when the...
  13. ramenth

    The new Madden game cover.

    Just for stroked off.
  14. ramenth

    Friggin milkweed

    Got into a bunch of when I mowed 200' of my road front ditch. Never bothered me before. Guess next time I'll wear jeans when I mow it, then change when I'm done.
  15. ramenth


    From my younger years. First time in thirty years they've organized in alphabetical and numerical order. Getting ready for eBay. This is just the Marvel's. The DC's are on a smaller table. Still have three long boxes I'm keeping, so this isn't the entire collection.
  16. ramenth

    Haulin' ***

    What a totally different feeling from this time last year. Last summer I pretty much only went outside to mow the lawn. With the depression and my marriage unraveling I just stayed inside and hid. This year there hasn't been a day I haven't been outside been working in the lawn and generally...
  17. ramenth

    Med reaction.

    A side effect of the happy pill. I don't bruise anymore. Instead I look like a bed ridden old lady. Probably need more vitamin C in my diet.
  18. ramenth

    Hate to do it, but...

    There's a tree on the border with the next day neighbors that had an offending low branch that every time I mowed I have to lift branches over my head to get the lawn tractor under. Otherwise it was get wacked in the face. Since it's so close to the property line I talked to the neighbor last...
  19. ramenth

    Repeat and Re-repeat.

    My three year old, Cyrus, has to do the things that I do. From riding on the lawn tractor, mowing the lawn to cleaning the house to wrenching he has to be with me, doing the things I do. My neighbor is astounded by how hard he works beside me at three years old. My one year old, Nick, has to...
  20. ramenth

    Talk to your loved ones.

    Please. As most of you know, I was responsible in carrying out my first wife's wishes for end of life treatment. When we found out she had the brain tumor we sat and talked at length about her wishes. As her husband I was granted the authority, by law, to be her voice in all medical matters...
  21. ramenth

    Prayers for Karli's family.

    Karli's aunt, Jen, has been battling cancer for years now. The cancer has spread to most of her body. Last night Jen had a stroke in front of her parents - Karli's grandparents. Jen has been battling a high fever for the past couple of weeks, necessitating a halt to chemo. Folks, we all know...
  22. ramenth

    Weight loss.

    I haven't updated my mental health thread in a while, but one aspect of gaining some control over my life is losing weight. In the past year I've lost twenty pounds without trying. I say th boys have had something to do with this as keeping up with a three year old and a one year old is enough...
  23. ramenth

    iPad, Safari users, need some help

    I usually surf the web on my Android (Google) phone. It auto fills when I start typing the web address and remembers the log in information. Phone took a dump and I've been using a borrowed iPad from a family member. I can't see - or find - the same feature on Safari. I have to log in every...
  24. ramenth

    Surgery on Monday.

    After years of dealing with a bum knee, it's finally gonna get fixed Monday. The surgeon asked me if I ever had any traumatic injury. Nope. Just years of body and mechanical work. He said they only time he's ever seen a miniscus as torn as mine is after a traumatic injury. Guess it's a new...
  25. ramenth

    A special request

    My wife's great uncle took himself out of chemo and went into hospice. She asked me to post the link from his youcaring page. If you can spare the time to share it with your Facebook accounts and help the family out, we'd much appreciate it. Click here to support Mike Lynch and Family Fund
  26. ramenth

    Rebuilding a Carr

    Forgive the play on words for the thread title. As most of you know, my last name is Carr and I thought it might be clever for a car site to have something along the lines of the title. My name is Robert and I suffer from a mental illness that causes me to be depressed, anxious, angry...
  27. ramenth


    Anyone else ever feel so broken they are beyond repair?
  28. ramenth

    Digit photo experts

    Need help restoring an edited pic.
  29. ramenth

    So, the Green Lantern makes a Ram pick up

    From the newest issue of Green Arrow.
  30. ramenth

    McMaster-Carr, supply house

    Don't know who's dealt with them and who hasn't. Used to deal with them a lot building the amphibious buses. Supply house for everything from welding to fasteners to hose to hydraulics to fittings and electrical and everything in between. McMaster-Carr