How Do You Define Your Privacy?



Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2009
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1537 Paper Street
Seems like the standard question of "How are you doing?" has been replaced with "What/where/when are you doing?". I find it rude when someone calls during a meal and when told so they ask "What are you eating?" instead of apologizing and cutting the call short.

I had to have a talk with my neighbor about calling so much, especially letting it ring until voicemail, hanging up, then redialing several times in a row. Most of the times just to say "What's up?" or ask me what the UPS guy delivered (which I find a bit creepy and nosy).

Over the Summer I had a couple of my friends visit and everywhere we went they were posting it to Facebook and "tagging" me in their pictures and posts. Everything we did, drank, or ate was taken a picture of and posted directly online and then every few seconds they were checking to see what others said about it making any engaging conversation impossible. When I asked them to quit tagging me or to put away the phones they thought it was strange or that I was hiding something.

Truth is I just value what little privacy I have left in this world.

Anyone here notice how the social media culture of today is overriding what people considered being nosy, rude,or intrusive? I know FABO has a wide demographic of subscribers so would like to know what your thoughts are on your Privacy and what you expect from others regarding it..
Amen to that! I do NOT use facebook for anthing other that checking on new possible employees. It is REALLY stupid how much people share about themselves now a days!
Amen to that! I do NOT use facebook for anthing other that checking on new possible employees. It is REALLY stupid how much people share about themselves now a days!

Happens here. Not knocking anyone but sometimes I am surprized at some of the personal things that come up here. To each his own, myself, I am much more private.
Amen to that! I do NOT use facebook for anthing other that checking on new possible employees. It is REALLY stupid how much people share about themselves now a days!
[ame=""]Facebook CIA Project: The Onion News Network - YouTube[/ame]

- CK
I have to agree with you on this. I do have a FB account, but it does not contain any personal info. or personal pictures. I use it solely as a network for people that I game with. There are other ways to do this, but so many people use FB that it was just easier than trying to collect email and other info for contact.

As far as I'm concerned, advertise the details of your own life as much as you want, but leave me out of it. My personal life is my own and if I ever want to announce the details to the world I will do so, I don't need someone else doing it for me.
its only getting worse google goggles will be out by the end of the year. sunglasses with a built in cam you cant see. sure they do lots of cool stuff but now every person with sunglasses might be recording you.
I find the technology to be useful, especially for sharing photos etc. with the grandparents. The user's behavior and expectations are what bother me. Just because someone becomes accustomed to sharing every instance of their life online or via phone they assume that they should have access to yours as well. And if they don't they make an assumption that you are trying to be sneaky or deceitful because "sharing" has become the cultural norm.
I don't facebook, I don't tweet, If you want to talk to me, call me or leave me alone. If I don't pickup I'm busy.
It's really beyond me why people feel so compelled to share every little detail of what goes on during their day. So you had a nice lunch, swell, good for you, why do I need to know this?
I like to be left alone. I'm not particularly interested in the details of people's lives.
If you want to talk to me, call me or leave me alone. If I don't pickup I'm busy.

x3 but I like a simple and to the point text even better. For years I only had a text pager where people called in and an operator sent the text to it.
Privacy? What's that?

It's not just technology, it's done the old fashioned way, too: just plain old simple nosiness.

Recently had a confrontation with my neighbor who thinks - somehow - she is entitled to the daily aspects of my life and even entitled to make decisions in my life - like I need to seek her permission for whatever I do. There's no privacy with her, she'll pump who ever for information even if the information is completely wrong.

Hell, this idiot excuse for a person even brought up the fact that I walk around in the buff... in my own home.

My curtains are drawn... now how would she know this if she wasn't peaking through the cracks?

Like most rumor mongers she'll make something up to make it sound like she's more important than what she actually is.

She spread it around the neighborhood that Sarah was in a hospital in Syracuse, even though Sarah was in a hospital in Rochester. Sarah couldn't stand the woman and wouldn't talk to her, but, of course, that didn't stop the woman from talking out her ***, like she was Sarah's best friend and knew everything.

As far as the technology thing...

My sister has a facebook friend - a former co-worker - who likes to post everything she does. "I'm now at Wal-Mart." "I'm now at work." "Going out drinking."

Nice to know anyone who wants to break into her house knows she's not home and won't be for a while.

Some of these folks don't realize that they in giving up their privacy they are also giving up their security.
Last night during a comercial break from the Oscars I walked into the living room and my three boys and their girlfreinds plus my wife were on the I-phones looking at face book or texting some one. I couldnnt freakin beleive it .7 phone being used in the same room. I told them to all stop and just look around at each other and they too coulndnt beleive it , its just habit I guess

My sister has a facebook friend - a former co-worker - who likes to post everything she does. "I'm now at Wal-Mart." "I'm now at work." "Going out drinking."

Nice to know anyone who wants to break into her house knows she's not home and won't be for a while.

Some of these folks don't realize that they in giving up their privacy they are also giving up their security.
There used to be a website, (still up, but heavily modified from original) that would gather info like that and post direct links to facebook accounts... It received cease and desist letters because criminals were using it to find homes in their area to break into...

If I were a sheriff, I'd say NO!!! YOU LEAVE THAT SITE RIGHT WHERE IT IS!!! People who get burgled because of their own blatant stupidity DESERVE IT.

- CK
under $1500? I know a place where you can buy sunglasses with a built in camera for under $20. I guess Google has to make even more money lol.
According to the marketing promo on the link, it's more than just cool high-speed spycam shades. Looks more like it's supposed to be yet another useless necessity dreamt up by bored cell phone designers with more money than brains...

The one tidbit where the guy threw the Extra 300 into the aileron roll, though, was way cool!! Dunno, I just love flying, and would give my right rear tire to fly an Extra! <3

- CK
I work night shift in a Uranium mine, 2 provinces away on a 2 week in/2 week out shift. Last shift I had a guy call at 2 PM (middle of the night for me) asking about a Craigslist ad I had. I told him I'd call him back because I work night shift and I was sleeping. A normal person would have apologized and let me sleep. This guy proceeded to ask me questions about what I do, where abouts in Saskatchewan I was working, how far north it was, if it was near " ____ City," what sort of pay it was, if it was interesting, blah blah blah. The whole time I kept telling him I actually had to go, but that didn't stop him. If I could hit him through the phone I would have.