Anyone heard from Sedanman ?



Dec 10, 2005
Reaction score
Boise, Id
I paid him for some driprail moldings around the first and he just disappeared ! Hasnt answered my PMs or had any activity since !
Yeah he is a truck driver and has a hectic schedule. He checks in from time to time. He's a good dude, you're ok. It's probably just takin him a while.
I see him on FB all the time, I doubt he is hiding from you, and I know he won’t scam you or not send your parts, he just isnt like that.
Ok. Good to know.
There was a mix up in our communication ... I asked how much shipped and he responded with a number so I paypaled immediately . Then he PM’d and said he hadn’t calculated shipping yet .
Then he went dark.
I figured he might be on the road but its been several weeks now.
I will wait another week.
Ok. Good to know.
There was a mix up in our communication ... I asked how much shipped and he responded with a number so I paypaled immediately . Then he PM’d and said he hadn’t calculated shipping yet .
Then he went dark.
I figured he might be on the road but its been several weeks now.
I will wait another week.

I think someone on here is local to him. When he went missing a while back he checked on him and he was ok. He had just been working like heck.
Hmmmm ... Still no word.

Guess I will be writing this money off to experience.
Well done! This is what it’s suppossed to work like.
Sometimes life happens. He refunded, and buyer is handling this as an absolute professional. Respect to both.
I wonder why the part wasn't just sent? I mean that's what was really want to hear correct?..
It was a miscommunication about shipping.
I am good with it. No harm no foul .... I will assume he was on the road for a while / life getting in the way.
There was no excuse for it. I tried to refund it by phone but it wouldn't let me and had to wait until I got home. This isn't typical when dealing with me,for the record.
Some folks make far to big of a deal out of things. Hell, I sent some folks some cheese...before the holidays if I remember right...they have messaged me about paying would think I would be all over it to get my $$ but every time I sit down and log on here I forget the receipts so.....