Do You Feel "Refreshed" First Thing in the Morning?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
I feel like crap, like I must be 100 years old (going to be 65 shortly). After a cup of coffee and moving around for an hour or two, I feel a little more my chronological age.

old man.jpeg
No. I want to go back to bed when I wake up LOL. After my coffee I'm a little better. I have to power wash today, so I cant lounge around.
I'm not a morning person at all. I'm slow in the mornings..... not grumpy, just quiet and slow. I think I feel worse when I wake up than when I went to bed.
I must be a sleep walker, get out on the road and git hit, not enough to bleed, but... Wake up and feel like I got hit by a small Peterbuilt or at least an F450?
Get out of bed in the morning, and pretty much run (slowly) to the bathroom. Not because I have to pee so bad, but to keep from falling down. Hot shower works wonders on my back.
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I can't even remember a time when I woke up and feel refreshed or invigorated.
Usually, I wake up and start moving right away to ''loosen'' up my back and legs.
If I sleep more than 6 hours or so at a time, my back is sore for at least an hour afterwards and then it loosens up.
However, it only takes me a minute or so to get to sleep.
I like to have a nap in the afternoon to top up my total hours, and usually I feel much better than the night's sleep that I had.
Also, I've tried sleeping aids and they get me deeper sleep of course, but they also make me tired all day no matter how much or little I take.
It sucks to get old..........
I pretty much get up every morning feeling like crap, stiff, aches and pains. Pretty much useless until I've had a hot shower, that usually gets me moving.
Laugh. I meditate before I sleep. Put everything somewhere else and deal with it tomorrow. Sleep deprived from working in the past aged me and allowed me to make many mistakes along the way. I will get 6-8 hours of sleep each day no matter what!

Slow to rise, in the shower, and on fire ready to take a whack at what ever wants a piece of me. Until my health determines otherwise that's how it's gonna be....

That is a gift, I cant seem to compartmentalize and do this. So I think about everything that is piling up and cant fall back asleep.

I wish lol.... A smart woman and even smart life coach taught me the way. It took a while. Oh on occasion my panties are a little waded up and delay sleep but it's spot on 98% of the time. I am drinking coffee now getting ready for bed.

It's like going fishing on a boat. Leave the dock and everything attached to it. Whatever is on your brain won't get fixed if you can't sleep and you can't fix a problem on land when fishing in a boat.

In other words let it go.... Give it a try and change your life....

I can't even remember a time when I woke up and feel refreshed or invigorated.
Usually, I wake up and start moving right away to ''loosen'' up my back and legs.
If I sleep more than 6 hours or so at a time, my back is sore for at least an hour afterwards and then it loosens up.
However, it only takes me a minute or so to get to sleep.
I like to have a nap in the afternoon to top up my total hours, and usually I feel much better than the night's sleep that I had.
Also, I've tried sleeping aids and they get me deeper sleep of course, but they also make me tired all day no matter how much or little I take.
It sucks to get old..........

Naps are OK too. A shot of alcohol helps people too. It's a mental game obviously.

Wake up just as tired. Sleep too long i ache all over. Go to sleep early,wake up earlier than i want to. Stay up later, wake up too early. Being a light sleeper doesent help.
I wake up refreshed now that I have been doing a full stretching routine before bed every night.

It didn’t used to be that way, but doing the stretching routine before laying in bed has changed everything.

Most days I wake up an hour or so before I intended to...ready to go.

Sure, I have some kinks to work out in the mornings, but nothing big that just getting moving doesn’t take care of.

The occasional middle of the night peeing doesn’t bother me any, just do what I need to and go right back to sleep. My trick is to just not start any new thoughts and try to remember what I was dreaming before I got up. Bam...right back out.
Get checked for sleep apnea. My oxygen levels were into the low 80s at night, and I felt like crap the next morning. I now use a CPAP machine, and it is the difference between night and day. This is a common issue as we get older.
Sometimes I feel absolutely awful when waking up, even from a nap, sometimes an unintentional nap LOL. The simple act of washing my face and wiping my eyes makes a huge difference I keep making the mistake of saying "I'm getting old." No, I've GOTTEN old!!!
I feel like crap, like I must be 100 years old (going to be 65 shortly). After a cup of coffee and moving around for an hour or two, I feel a little more my chronological age.

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They hung the Guy that started the "Golden Years" crap.
Right next to the Jerk that invented work.
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I love the morning! Even on weekends I wake up between 5 and 5:30. I feel great and have a hell of a time keeping quiet enough for my sleeping family. I have 2 big glasses of cold water and I'm ready for anything! The down side is by 10pm I'm super tired and sore. My knees, elbows and knuckles ache when I'm tired. Fortunately I sleep very soundly almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I love the morning! Even on weekends I wake up between 5 and 5:30. I feel great and have a hell of a time keeping quiet enough for my sleeping family. I have 2 big glasses of cold water and I'm ready for anything! The down side is by 10pm I'm super tired and sore. My knees, elbows and knuckles ache when I'm tired. Fortunately I sleep very soundly almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I find that a fair amount of Bourbon helps those aches and pains
Try doing a quality detoxification (there are many available out there), clean up your eating( no processed foods, organic veggies and fruit, and things that had eyes and are organic) and drink at least half your body weight in ounces of clean water every day.

Our bodies are mostly made of water and like a sponge, they can hold a lot of bad stuff that gets trapped inside us. We need to wring that toxic crap out of our bodies just like squeezing out a soiled sponge. It does make a big difference and helps dramatically with inflammation, which leads to stiffness, aches and pains and fatigue.
Nah, feel a bunch of aches. New mattress every few years, room cool, sleep okay all night, no up to pee rituals. Takes a few minutes to get it all going in the right direction in the morning. Shower and then by the time I go downstairs usually ready for the day. 70 so not expecting to be running down the stairs anymore.
I feel like death in the morning... wake up sickly and tired, spend all day feeling slightly better as the hours tick by. Generally wide awake and feeling pretty good by bedtime.... :(