Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ok here, now, I'm out of Jail......
I see that, finally some real food kinda and some freedom...can't beat that with a stick. Any word yet on when you get to leave?
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I haven't had any alcohol now for over a month :wtf:
I probably need to go stay with @Sublime one and complete my full recovery from the virus.
OMR predicts 2021

Ben Drinkin.. after hours of trying multiple beverages arrives at the conclusion that there isn't enough alcohol in the word to alter his senses to hit the woman he met on New Years eve.

Toolman Mike.. finds 4 more websites to moderate, but only has one hand for the keyboard, as the other is always occupied.

Halifaxhops swears of beer in cans, and goes to half kegs.

Mopar Tim announces the secret to stop time so he can build two project cars, 3 home projects, and still have time in the day.

Dukeboy 318 learns how to read an electrical schematic, which opens the door to his developing the first actual operating Flux Capacitor.

MOPARMITCH stays in Vietnam and never returns. Going to miss you Bud.
Well one of those is for sure never happening haha

It's Sublime Sunday!
Good morning :lol:
Good Morning All! Got pulled pork in the crock pot for the football game later, doing some more ugly welding on Duster frame rails.
I haven't had any alcohol now for over a month :wtf:
I probably need to go stay with @Sublime one and complete my full recovery from the virus.

Can I come with?!? About the same here but it’s almost 2 months for me, but I’ll have a shot of fireball tonight to remember my friend Tim who passed away 2 years ago today....FABO’s Abodybomber...
OMR Prediction II

Zman67x ... forms a partnership with Sublime one...
and produce the world's finest adult beverage in history, sadly Zman is unable to taste it due to a permante loss of taste and smell. Sublime One .pulls it off the market after 30 days, due to its eerie green color .and people report strange behavior after consuming it.
OMR Prediction II

Zman67x ... forms a partnership with Sublime one...
and produce the world's finest adult beverage in history, sadly Zman is unable to taste it due to a permante loss of taste and smell. Sublime One .pulls it off the market after 30 days, due to its eerie green color .and people report strange behavior after consuming it.
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