Found 1971 Duster twister Build sheet and fender Tag



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
Cheshire, CT
Found 1971 Duster twister Build sheet and fender Tag
vin VL29C1B455299
22 Years later I just talked to the guy that owns this car now. He will be getting The fender tag and build sheet.
Let me start from the beginning. I sold this car 22 years ago. The guy that bought it, I delivered the car for him local(real nice car to start with). He was suppose to come back and get the rest of the parts and paper work. He never came back. I talked to him for a few years telling him I still have the stuff. As time went on I never heard from him again. I thought maybe It was coming to be a race car and did not care about that stuff. Well yesterday talking to a local guy and he is describing this Duster he just got, I said your car sounds like my old car, he said this guy had it for ever and he did not think so. I gave him the vin. He said holy cow I cannot believe it that’s the car. Then I told him I have the fender tag, build sheet, and original title. That blew is mind! SO COOL!
Let me start from the beginning. I sold this car 22 years ago. The guy that bought it, I delivered the car for him local(real nice car to start with). He was suppose to come back and get the rest of the parts and paper work. He never came back. I talked to him for a few years telling him I still have the stuff. As time went on I never heard from him again. I thought maybe It was coming to be a race car and did not care about that stuff. Well yesterday talking to a local guy and he is describing this Duster he just got, I said your car sounds like my old car, he said this guy had it for ever and he did not think so. I gave him the vin. He said holy cow I cannot believe it that’s the car. Then I told him I have the fender tag, build sheet, and original title. That blew is mind! SO COOL!
Great story and good to mate the goodies back up with the car.
Hi Dave. i have been doing research on the highest vin # in the 1971 year and i came up with 445xxx being the highest # that was built on June 30.Would you happen to still have a copy of the fender tag confirming that your serial # is actually higher and past the June 30 date. Thank You in advance Nathaniel
the vin is correct. I gave the guy the build sheet and fender tag. I will see if I can get a picture from him
Here is the engine bay he sent me. Looking good.

That is fn amazing, it is looking good, and love them twisters.

That is so cool of you to be persistent in rejoining car with docs.

Did you tell him all about FABO?

Would be great to have him get on here and post more pics, etc.

Also, love that color combo.