2 more racing friends lost.



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
Man this is almost unbelievable the amount of racing friends I lost this year. Two more in three days. This sucks.
You have my condolences. Kick *** Fairmont, though.
Condolences sent. I've lost 2 good friends during this Covid nonsense. Stay strong.
My condolences, and I agree, it's been a bad year ... I have lost 3 this year myself.
Thanks everyone. It’s just been kind of depressing between not racing this year, friends that have died, coronavirus, and things going on in this great nation of ours. And then I guess I’ll add it’s winter time in Pa to the list.
So sorry for the loss. I hope you can find peace through fond memories.
Sorry for your loss. I really miss the older guys at the track that taught me so much when I started. Most are gone now never to be replaced. I still think of them quite often when at the track. Those were the days. Race till 1 or 2 am and bs till 3 or 4.
Yeah dude, that is sad.
At least you have had alot of friends.
Lost one of my best friends to lung cancer a few weeks ago . Toughest guy I ever met . Grew up on Long Island .. classic Italian family . Went from feeling fine to dead in 45 days ! Sad to see him so weak .
Lost one of my best friends to lung cancer a few weeks ago . Toughest guy I ever met . Grew up on Long Island .. classic Italian family . Went from feeling fine to dead in 45 days ! Sad to see him so weak .

Wow. Sorry to hear this. My nephew and girlfriend tested positive for coronavirus this week. Feeling ok but both lost smelling ability
Wow. Sorry to hear this. My nephew and girlfriend tested positive for coronavirus this week. Feeling ok but both lost smelling ability

That would suck ! I am a foody and taste is important to me. Not to mention I play hockey / race vintage MX / Back country hunt / Big Mtn skier ...
I got the shot ! Only have so many years left to do crap like that and no way I was risking it . Seeing Joe laying there reinforced that !
Well unfortunately we’re closer to there….. than then.
Lost a friend from lung cancer too this year. Flew up and had beers in March…. and returned to celebrate his life in September. 54 years old
Well unfortunately we’re closer to there….. than then.
Lost a friend from lung cancer too this year. Flew up and had beers in March…. and returned to celebrate his life in September. 54 years old

Wow that’s young. Sorry to hear this.