My lower back is junk


Big Dad

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
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S.E. South Dakota
Not sure exactly when it started , think it was when I slipped on ice at work and landed on my buttocks couple years ago ..

I was able to get relief from chiropractor then after a few visits but, its nagged me on and off since ..

Last 8-9 months , affects my life daily , its mostly when i go from sitting to standing .

Memorial day , I moved wrong and am now in a whole never place , its awful been to chiropractor 3 times since, i was doing pretty good .. this moring, putting on shoes , wham .. right back to square 1 ..
Not sure exactly when it started , think it was when I slipped on ice at work and landed on my buttocks couple years ago ..

I was able to get relief from chiropractor then after a few visits but, its nagged me on and off since ..

Last 8-9 months , affects my life daily , its mostly when i go from sitting to standing .

Memorial day , I moved wrong and am now in a whole never place , its awful been to chiropractor 3 times since, i was doing pretty good .. this moring, putting on shoes , wham .. right back to square 1 ..
Been there, done that. My chiropractor has been my savior but I still have issues. I fell out of a semi trailer and landed flat on my *** years ago. I have some lumbar disc damage that could probably be fixed. I have been to the doctor, neurologist and orthopedic surgeon. My insurance doesn't want to pay for corrective surgery unless it's debilitating and I'm not able to function.
I hurt mine bad this past weekend loading a riding mower on my utility trailer. I have the beginning of spinal stenosis already in my neck region. It's still where chiropractor visits really help, but I didn't need this extra aggravation.

I've been pretty lucky till these past couple years and never had back issues. My brother in law had several discs fused many years ago and at first, said he wished he'd never done it. After some time though he said it actually helped.

I hope you find some relief. I've thought about an inversion table. Have you looked into that?
I've had a real bad lower back for years. It's gotten to the point of walking with a cane when it goes. I dont bother with chiropractor. When needed I take a percocet and a diclofenac. Diclofenac is an excellent muscle relaxant. Similar to Robaxacet, BUT it works lol. Best of luck to you.
I'm there now. Have a herniated disc in my lower spine and pain in my kidney area and lower back. Can't stand still very long or it hurts like crazy. Can walk maybe a hundred yards and then need something to lean on. Dr. said it may be the disc or just muscular ( or lack thereof ) that is causing the problem. Sent me to PT and the therapist agreed it may not be disc causing the problem. I just started PT, and these exercises he has me do, so will see. Back pain is really taking away any enjoyment I was looking forward to after the miserable winter. Hope you get some relief.
My lower back and neck are totally jacked up. A few bulging disc. I won't take pills. I just had the "burn" done too my lower back last week and my neck last year. They use a needle to burn the specific nerve in half. Worked great for my neck. Still too early to see how it will do for my back but I'm real hopeful. Checkout an alternative pain doctor.
I'm there now. Have a herniated disc in my lower spine and pain in my kidney area and lower back. Can't stand still very long or it hurts like crazy. Can walk maybe a hundred yards and then need something to lean on. Dr. said it may be the disc or just muscular ( or lack thereof ) that is causing the problem. Sent me to PT and the therapist agreed it may not be disc causing the problem. I just started PT, and these exercises he has me do, so will see. Back pain is really taking away any enjoyment I was looking forward to after the miserable winter. Hope you get some relief.
I hope that works for you.
Damn my lower back is sore too....we are not spring chickens anymore and need to be careful....hope you and everyone else who posted feels better!
I've gone to a chiropractor for 30 years. Need to find a "good" one. Anymore there is only a couple things that one can do to help a couple of my problems.
Get X-rays and MRIs to find out what and where the problems are. Then procced with the proper treatment. Pain pills are not the answer.
I can't stand to stand much any more. I can't walk a lot either. The worse it get's the worse shape I am in and the less I want to exercise. Between all that and my heart meds causing weight gain, the heavier I get the worse it all is. It's a vicious circle.
20 years of falling out of airplanes and just about anything else that flies, drives or floats wore mine out at an early stage. I think maybe the "best" thing that happened for me was when it all just "blew out" and I had to have surgery. Chiro is amazing if you find the right one. Inversion table and easing into core strength to help stabilize things. A lot of my low back issues are related to pelvis and hips and pain transfer
Ok, call me a dumb Arkansas hick, even though I was born in California and from age 6 to 15 raised everywhere.
Self help, I remove a broom off its stick, lay the stick on the floor where I can set , roll the stick forward and back and do this until you feel the muscles in your lower belly gets to hurting, stand up straight using both legs evenly. I do alot of silly things like this because my cyro.. thought me these things, when driving, try squeezing your nea together for a while, suck in that gut.. :lol:

I know it is not going to help everyone, but I had lower back problems seems all my adult life, I reached the age of 55 and started taking care of myself, and never, ever reach out and pick up a heavy load, ever !! Squat, and move smart.. it does help.
Kind of the same here. Spent over 40 years as an electrician and working on cars. Many injuries that I didn't take proper care of. Now at the age of 62 I have joint and tendon damage and arthritis though out my body. The last few years it has really hampered my ability to work an 8 hour day. Use to work a 12-14 hour day in my younger years. Really paying for it now.
I would throw my back out by reaching for the milk in the fridge, bend over a little and reach for it and lift and pull it out, as I lay it down !! Bang !! My lower back was out..yep, we have to move smarter the older we get
I'm lucky in that I'm still a skinny little ****. Still have a size 31 waist and still pretty limber. I'm still pretty active but just usually in constant pain which really wares on a guy after a while.
I've had a real bad lower back for years. It's gotten to the point of walking with a cane when it goes. I dont bother with chiropractor. When needed I take a percocet and a diclofenac. Diclofenac is an excellent muscle relaxant. Similar to Robaxacet, BUT it works lol. Best of luck to you.

Those kind of pills mess with my bathroom brakes, I don't have them, can you say constipated :drama:

I threw a rib out sneezing once.
The Golden Years my ***.
:rofl: yep, and that time i was doing my paperwork in the BR. And was froze up right there ..never again I hope .
Those kind of pills mess with my bathroom brakes, I don't have them, can you say constipated :drama:

:rofl: yep, and that time i was doing my paperwork in the BR. And was froze up right there ..never again I hope .
I'm with you there Mike. If I am going to take pain killers it will be Tylenol and not Percocet and the like. A day after my heart surgery I was on Extra strength Tylenol and nothing more. The same stuff you can buy at Wal Mart. I could see where a little puff, puff, pass might work as well.
Chiropractic can be really helpful but also can be really damaging. The keys are to know what the problem is and to find a good chiropractor. Most just want to do their routine on you and send you on your way. I'm really in tune with my body. I would tell the chiropractor what he will and will not do to me. If he didn't want to listen to me then I would get up and walk out and look for another one. Took a while to find one that really "worked" for me. You need to have that attitude. They work for you. Chiropractic is a proven science otherwise I don't think all of the professional sports teams would have them working on their million dollar athletes.
If you were injured at work like you say, Workman's comp should cover any medical treatments!
I'll take Tylenol a bit but not all the time. I also take Meloxicam for the arthritis which seems to help. I won't take the Oxy ****.