BP oil spill?

My take on it is like this.... Everybody points the finger at BP. True, they messed up. Bad. There's enough blame to go around for everyone though. Me, you, everybody. I mean, are any of us driving totally electric vehicles? Everytime we pull up to the pump, we're increasing demand. To me, BP is gonna end up a scapegoat of sorts. They provide jobs for thousands of people all over the world. They have helped provide the world with petroleum products for a long time. Now, they are likely not going to survive this, because they are gonna be made an example of. How fair will that be to all of their employees? All the way down to the low man on the totem pole with five kids to feed and a mortgage. The whole thing is a mess. Really.....if you honestly wanna blame someone blame all the enviro nut jobs that lobbied and made it to where companies have to drill 50 miles off shore in 5000 feet of water. I mean, I agree about puttin a man on the moon and all that stuff. No doubt it appears we SHOULD have been able to stop the leak before now. But stop and think about it. I cannot even begin to imagine the pressure at that depth. Think about how much pressure you feel when you're at the bottom of the deep end of the pool. ...and they are remotely operating robots in water that deep. To have come this far, to me, is nothing short of miraculous. Had they been allowed to drill in 100 feet of water instead of 5000, this likely never would have happened. Truthfully, I think oil companies have a darn good record of accidents. Think about it. We've been drilling and refining crude for over one hundred years. In all that time, we've not messed up too many times. If congress would allow drilling in ANWAR and in the mid west, we'd never have to rely on foreign oil again and we wouldn't have to touch the oceans. They say there's enough shale and crude under the mid west to power the country for a hundred years, but we'll never see it. THAT'S just stupid.