BP oil spill?

Drilling an oil well is a complex operation but it isnt impossible. We have been doing it for years and have burned down one rig and a very big oil spill. How many land rigs have we burnt down, how many jack-ups. The equipment used for deepwater drilling and the BOP's is state of the art. I laugh sometimes when i see where people think they could have or should have been able to stop the leak in a day or a week. What is sad is the oil industry is fixing to get hurt beyond repair in the US due to this thinking. This incident should have never occured and would not have if the casing that was set last on that well had the proper lock down ring installed. This was a short cut BP took and it cost lives and catastrophic environmental damage. People are so focused on the spill they aren't slowing down to look at what caused it. Everyone can see the BOP's in the water on the cameras and the news is saying the broken BOP's and damaged riser. There was nothing wrong with those BOP's before the rig went down. They were intact and functional. Of course the government and BP both want you to think that is the problem. They made the plan and approved it. yes your american government said ok you can run the casing and not install the proper **** on top of it to keep it in place. The water depth has nothing to do with operating safely we drill in water depths twice that depth.