Great guy alert: GTXperience

Thanks for the kind words Lenny (and everyone else). Without going into great detail, Lenny used a specific vendor for an instrument cluster restoration and was getting the run around on getting his parts back. It must have been a year plus. After hearing the story, I offered to call the vendor and figure out what the hell was going on. Anyway, I had a feeling Lenny was being placed on the back burner because he lived in Sweden (and because he is such a nice guy). I offered to have the cluster shipped to me so I could inspect it and besides missing a couple of panels that were supposed to be included, it was ok but I wasn't very happy with the vacuum plating. There were areas that weren't chromed and there were little knicks in several places. I kept a photo log of how the box arrived and as I unpacked it and took pics and sent them to Lenny. You can see the cluster at: Instrument Cluster/?start=0

On Photobucket, as you load pics, they go towards the back of the folder so you make want to start with the last page. The first two images on page one are the boxes I gathered to ship the parts to Lenny and the parts wrapped in bubble wrap.

I will say this, I will not work with this vendor. Some of their work is definitely not up to par (especially for the money they charge) and their customer service is more than suspect. As Frank Drumond (played by Leslie Neilson) in Police Squad said, "Your lies are like bananas, they come in big yellow bunches."

I heard enough excuses/non-truths from this business that I would never work with them. I do highly suggest in WA though. They are the only ones I send parts to that need plastic chroming along with instrument cluster or grille restoration.

Sorry for the long rant and Lenny, I am glad you have your parts in your possession now. That was a long drawn out process for you.