I Think I Did The Right Thing......

You knew this was the right thing to do before you did it. You sir are an ambassador of good will. Keep up the good work and follow your heart. DD

Thank you. She still didn't put it on him but WTF, at least I gave it a try.

Joe, a bit of compassion often goes a long way. I think you did an outstanding thing for your neighbor....

Well, shes just a baby and I hope that maybe her parents understand that people are looking out for all of their well being. If I see anyone HIT THAT GIRL OR HER DOG........... :stop:

You definitely did the right thing, Joe. Besides the vaccination tag, an ID tag with home phone number will do wonders should the dog ever get out.
Do you also have mandatory dog licenses in Denver? Here in the OC, they cost much more if your dog isn't fixed.

Pitts are illegal here in Denver and that's why I wont call the cops. He'll end up the Denver Municipal pound which..... sucks. That's where I got Merlin from and if they think he's a PB, off to the gas chamber he goes...